Broken: Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Dear reader:

Before you begin, I wanted to warn you that this chapter is a little graphic. If you read my other works, you know I don't use a lot of vulgar sexual language, but this is a scene where two people are... Well, you know. While I don't shy away from it, I feel it's only fair to let you know ahead of time so, if you want to, you can skip to the last few paragraphs if you like. I put a line indicating where the scene ends so you can read the PG-rated version.



I opened the door and smiled at the fantasy laying on the bed in front of me. Bucky was stretched out on it; his knee bent up so that his real arm rested on it as he used his prosthetic to separate his head from the headboard. His shirt, jacket, and tie sat in a haphazard pile at the foot of the bed, allowing him to show off his perfectly sculpted chest. His slacks, though still on, unbuttoned and lowered just enough to make out the waistband of his very basic white boxer shorts. He's pulled his hair out of the half-bun he's worn for the party, allowing it to fall across his blue eyes and giving him the look of both complete control and unchanneled passion.

"Nice pose," I teased as I leaned back against the door and shut it.

He smirked. "Thought you'd like it. Now, come here."

I glided across the room, exaggerating the sway of my hips as I made my way over. Still, I could feel my heart beginning to pound as his eyes toured my body from top to bottom at a leisurely pace.

"Take your dress off," he commanded from his perch on the bed. When I reached for my shoe, he shook his head. "No. Just the dress."

A wicked thrill ran down my spine as I reach for the hem and lifted it over my head. Dropping it on the floor beside his clothes, I quickly crossed my arms in front of me to cover my less desirable parts.

"Put your arms down, doll." He licked his lips as I complied. "Much better. I wanna see all of you."

I lowered my eyes, ashamed to be so revealed. "Why?"

He finally stood up and stared down at me. His voice turned from lusty to a danger whisper as he said, "Cause you're the sexiest woman I've ever seen."

I rolled my eyes. "Right."

"Don't." He caught my chin, the metal sending a cool zing through my body that caused me to shudder. "Don't talk like that. I hate it when you're self-conscious I don't ever wanna hear you demean yourself again."

I swallowed as I nodded, never looking away from him even as he placed a chaste kiss on my cheek. I trembled a little as ran his hands down my arms.

"You scared, little girl?" He whispered as he dragged his lips from my cheek to my shoulder, causing goosebumps to appear all over.

"Never." I tried to sound strong, but my voice broke when he sank his teeth into my neck, nipping me playfully.

He laughed. "I love how responsive you are. But I love the way you try and fight it more."

"Bucky," I whimpered, placing my hands against his chest. "Please don't play with me."

Again, he laughed. "Not this time, doll. I don't wanna rush anything tonight. We're gonna play for a little while."


He laid a finger across my lips. "For once, just shut up."

As I started to argue again, he knelt in front of me. Hooking his thumbs on the waistband of my pantyhose, he lowered them down my legs until they lay in a bunch at my ankles.

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