Broken: Chapter 3

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"Are you sure you want to stay here?" Shuri asked for the fourth time.

I smiled as I nodded. "He's comfortable here. I don't want to take him into an unfamiliar environment until we've built some trust. It'll be better all around if I stay here and work with him."

"But you hate being outdoors."

"No, I hated being outdoors in Brazil in the rain and mosquitoes. That's also why I'm counting on my favorite tech guru to hook me up with all the comforts of home." I patted her shoulder as the door of the ATV opened automatically. "And I'd love a bathtub too. You know, the big free-standing type with jets and stuff."

She rolled her eyes as she climbed in. "All right, but if you need anything."

"I'll call you." I held up the bracelet, which she'd explained was a holographic communicator. "Or whatever this thing does. Don't worry. I'll be just fine."

"I'll have your quarters delivered before nightfall." She grinned. "Thank you, my friend."

"No problem." I glanced over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of Bucky standing next to a pristine lake. "And make sure you get those things I asked for to me soon. I got a feeling their going to help with the trust issues."

She gave me one more grinning nod before turning and heading back to the capital. Once she was out of sight, I stared a Bucky before heading over. Pausing several feet from him, I waited to be acknowledged.

"You're staying here?" He asked, never looking away from the lake.

"You don't want me to?"

He shrugged. "It's fine. Just wondering where you're gonna sleep."

Before I could stop myself, I teasingly blurted out, "Hopefully, with you."

He jerked his head to stare at me with a look of horror that made me laugh.

"I'm just kidding, Bucky." I took a step closer. "Shuri's going to get some living quarters brought out before dark. Your man-cave is safe from the female invasion."

His shoulders relaxed. "So where do we start?"

"This is a good place." I took another step closer. "We can just talk and get to know each other."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Cause I want to help." Seeing his body stiffen to my canned response, I added, "Cause I couldn't help my dad from putting a bullet in his head."

Again, he relaxed. "I'm sorry."

"Me too," I mumbled, finally standing beside him. "I meant what I said. Where we go from here is up to you. I won't push or prod until you're ready. Whatever you tell or show me is because you want to. I'm just here to help."

"Like a friend." He sighed. "I'd like that."

"Me too. But first-" I sat down at the edge of the water. "Got any fishing poles? I'm dying to see if they're biting."

By the time a helicopter set down the circular building I'd call home during my stay, Bucky and I had been catching and releasing the brave little perch-like fish that took our bait for nearly two hours.

While we spoke on occasion, we mostly sat in a comfortable silence. I kept my promise and didn't use my empathic talents to sense his emotional state. Not that I needed to; his stiffness eased over time as we listened to the sounds of nature all around us.

"Home sweet home," I announced as I got up and went to the building once it was settled. The dark metal structure started to shift in color, blending into the surroundings while still being visible. The seven-foot door faced Bucky's hut, making it easy to access from his place if needed while still giving us privacy from one another.

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