chapter 4

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🦋blaire's pov🦋

I'm at my locker when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, causing me to tense up.

"Relax, this is supposed to be natural,"'I hear someone whisper in my ear. It's Daniel. I attempt to relax under his touch but it's hard seeing as Daniel is supposed to be like a brother to me. He spins me around and backs me up against the lockers with his arms on either side of me.
"I'm going to kiss you and it has to look normal," he whispers to me as he slowly leans in. I close my eyes and feel his lips against mine. It feels wrong but weirdly natural. After a few seconds he pulls away with my lower lip between his teeth.
"I'll give you a ride home," he says as he walks away. I nod for confirmation. This was going to be a long month...or two.


"So you and Daniel?" I hear someone ask me for the thousandth time today. This time it was a girl named Macy, I had only ever talked to her once but now she was all interested in me.

"Yep," I say, pressing my lips into a tight smile.

"How long have you two been together?"

I pause for a moment, not really knowing how I should answer the question. "Not long." She is about to speak again but I cut her off, "I gotta get to class," I say shutting my locker door and speeding away.


"Ready?" Daniel says as he walks up to my locker. I finish shoving a few books into my bag and nod at Daniel. He reaches down and grabs my hand. As we walk out of the school I can feel people's eyes on us and our intertwined hands. Mostly from jealous girls, Daniel has always been a hot candidate that all girls seemed to drool over. I don't blame them though. We finally reach Daniels car and the second we are inside I groan a sigh of relief.

"That was the worst!" I exclaim as Daniel laughs at me. "And I swear to god, if one more person asks me about you i'm gonna-"

"Calm down," Dani says placing his hand on my knee as he continues to laugh at my rant.

"I need this month to be over," I say in an exasperated tone.

"Oh come on! You love kissing me," Daniel responds.

I scoff but my cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Do not!" I say. It was only sort of a lie. I mean who wouldn't like kissing Daniel?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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