chapter 1

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🦋blaire's pov🦋

"I'm going to get a water," I say to Anna as I stand up from the floor. She nods and turns back to her homework as I walk out of her room and run down the stairs.

I reach the kitchen and walk to the fridge. "Where is it?" I mutter to myself as I look for the water. I feel two fingers stab into my sides causing me to scream and jump backwards into whoever "tased" me. I feel arms wrap around my waist we both fall to the ground. I look to reveal Daniel who is laughing hysterically as he stands up.

"You scared the shit out of me, asshole."

"Oh please! You loved having my hands all over you."

"Shut up," I say, but I can feel my cheeks heating up. I've always had a bit of a crush on Daniel, but it was nothing serious. Besides, nothing could ever happen because he was my best friends brother. I know Anna wouldn't be very happy if something happens between Daniel and I. She has always heavily discouraged the idea but Daniel has a flirtatious personality so it always seems like he's coming on to me, but in actuality, that's just how he is with everyone.

"What happened?" Anna says, running into the kitchen. "I heard screaming."

"Ask you brother," I say, shooting Daniel a glare.

"Leave her alone, Daniel," Anna says as she rolls her eyes. Daniel only laughs in response.

Anna grabs me a bottle of water out of the fridge and grabs my hand dragging me upstairs.

"Sorry about him," Anna says while closing the door to her room.

I laugh a little, "It's fine. I'm used to it by now."

She nods and gives me a sympathetic smile before turning to her closet. "Help me pick out something to wear for school tomorrow."

"Ugh," I groan falling back onto her bed. "I can't believe we're going to different schools."

"I know. But we'll still see each other everyday, I live right next door."

"It's not the same," I mumble. Anna got excepted into a super exclusive school for very smart people. I however, am dumb. So i'm staying at public school.

Anna grabs my hands and pulls me up causing me to sit on the edge of the bed. She goes back to her closet.

"Don't you wear a uniform?" I ask, wondering why she wants help picking an outfit.

She comes out of the closet holding two items. "Yep. But I need to choose between sweater," she says holding up her left hand. "Or blazer?" she says while holding up her right.

"Blazer," I say before falling back onto the bed.

I feel a dip in the bed as Anna sits next to me. "What's wrong?"

"You're not going to be at school with me."

"We're still going to be best friends. I promise we'll hang out everyday. Come here," she says opening her arms. I pull myself up and let her engulf me in a hug.

"It won't be the same."


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