Just Breathe - The Attys

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This poem is already apart of my collection, but in order for me to submit it to The Attys I need to put it in a seperate thing. Haha. I hope you enjoy, this one is one of my favorites. I wrote this a really, really long time ago when I was going through shit.


Deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Nothing. 

Theres no room in here to breathe.

The walls seem to just keep getting closer and closer.

Suffocation seems to be my only option. Oxygen has abandoned all hope, just like me.

I don’t know how much more of this I can take, how much more pain I can endure.

 Deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Nothing.

This isn’t fair, it’s never fair. Will it always be like this? Will I always have to plaster on a fake smile, Or will I ever get a real one? Does anyone truly know how it feels to be… HAPPY?

So many questions that are in need of an answer.

So many desires. Hopes. Dreams.

It needs to get better or I see no point in continuing.

But no, not suicide, that would be selfish of me to just stop breathing.

It would cause problems for all of the people around me,

Those people who “care”, the ones who think they know me.

No, that isn’t the answer.

 Deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. Nothing. 

Life just has to get better, it will all work out.

I’ve seen it in movies, read it in books.

They always win, they always make it through.

Life just has to get better.

All I need is some space, room to be free.

I would do anything to stop from being trapped, for just a little air. 

Deep breaths. Inhale, exhale. 

Two simple tasks that I can’t seem to do.

Just Breathe - The AttysWhere stories live. Discover now