"Hayley. And these people are?"

"I asked Father Kieran to give them shelter. He suffers from an incessant desire to do good, but now I need you to be useful. Marcel and Davina have disappeared. I assume from the stupefied look on your face they haven't sought refuge in your attic." Klaus says.

"No. Those days are gone."

"Then energize your resources. I don't need to remind you how important it is they be found."

"Yeah." He says before walking off.

"These people, they're werewolves, and the priest, he said that you donated the food. You're helping them?" I asked.

"They're not your werewolves. They're my clan from very far back. They've fallen upon hard times, and their plite has brought out the philanthropist in me. What can I say? Must be Elijah's influence." Klaus says walking past us.

"What do you mean your clan?" Hayley says turning to look at him.

"The blood that runs in their veins runs in mine..." He turns around. "And in our children."

"This family gets more complicated by the second." I say sarcastically.

He walks up to her and cups her face. "Listen, Hayley."

"Yeah, no. I just...gotta blast." I say before speeding out. I don't feel like watching that, it makes me feel like a third wheel.


I stood under an umberella with Elijah, Rebekah has her own and Hayley shares one with Klaus. Father Kieran stood in front of us above Esther's coffin with a crucifix. I snuggle into Elijah's side as the thought of this not working overwhelms me.

"Are you ready to do this?" Kieran asks.

Klaus takes a dagger to his hand and looks at his siblings. "Always and Forever."

He slices his hand then hands it to Rebeka who does the same then Elijah then Hayley. Kieran takes the dagger and throughs it in with the coffin.

"It is done."


In the cemetery the thunder gets louder and fire starts to appear.

"Fire." Sophie says then Marcel turns the corner with Kitten in his arms. He sets her down and Sophie puts the ceremonial Athame over fire before walking to Davina.

Tears start to build in my eyes as I watch.

"Do you believe in the harvest?"

Davina nods. "I believe." Sophie puts the Athame to her neck and slices her neck causing me to flinch and she falls back into Marcel's arms.

I hope this works.

The rain stops and we move the umbrella's down. A golden hue passes through Davina's arms and into the earth. They put Davina with the rest of the girls so that we could finish.

"After the harvest come the reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted, we call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones." Sophie looks down but nothing happens. I look at Sophie and the hope I have gets weaker. "We call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones." She says again. "Resurrect your chosen ones." I snifle a little when absolutely nothing happend. "Please. I beg."

My mouth falls open and tears come rushing down my eyes when Sophie starts to cry over Monique.

It didn't work...

I walk over to Marcel and hug him burying my face into his neck. We both lost her. My little kitten. He looks at Klaus before hugging me back and vamping off with me. If I stayed I wouldn't be able to handle it.

When we enter the compound he starts breaking things and I just dop to the floor with my hands through my hair as I cry.

"That won't bring her back, you know?"

"Shut up, Klaus!" I said wiping the tears away and standing up to walk behind Marcel instead of being near Klaus.

"This is your fault. I should have never let you anywhere near her."


"This city was fine before you came. We were fine! Davina was safe! She was in control! If you hadn't gotten her worked up, if you hadn't killed that boy!"

"My condolences the girl is gone, but don't lose perspective. We still have our community. The vampires of this town--"

"I don't care about the vampires! She is dead! Do you hear me?" I sit down in a chair and rub my head as a headache pierces through me. I look over to see Klaus hugging Marcel.

"I'm sorry." He says. "You may think I know nothing of your grief, but you are wrong." They release and I get up to go to my room.

She's gone. She was family. She was my little kitten. And now. Now she is gone.


I laid in bed as silent tears went down my cheeks. I stared at the ceiling just thinking about What it was like before they came. How peaceful it was.

Light footstep came to my door and I diverted my eyes to see a shadow but I didn't move my head. A knock on the door was heard and then Elijah came in.

"Hey." I said weakily.

"Hi." I sat up bringing my knees to my chest and Elijah sat down wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry about Davina, Aphrena. I really am."

"I just miss her so much already. She was like my little sister."

"I understand." He looks into my eyes and stares for a bit. "You know I talked to Hayley earlier and something she said caught my attention."

"What?" I asked curiously trying to get my mind off kitten.

"Something along the lines of 'I take what I want.' And I thought maybe I should give it a try." I tilt my head to the side confused until He places his hand on my cheek with gentle kiss on my lips.

My lips start to feel tingly and warm with his touch

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My lips start to feel tingly and warm with his touch. I move a little so my knees were on the bed and pressed my body closer to his, taking his jacket in my hands. Our lips move together and everything felt good. Almost normal. Being in his arms felt safe and like electricty. This is what I have been waiting for without even knowing it.

We pulled away taking in air and he pressed his forehead against mine and I let out a big smile.

"I think we all should talk to Hayley more often." I said before pressing my lips against his again.

Falling (Elijah mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now