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Sitting on the roof, a cup of coffee in her hands, Cindy dangled her legs over the edge, not a care in the world. They had just got back from Ireland and it was late, the sky dark and no stars in sight. She just wanted to be alone but was secretly wishing that a certain someone would turn up.

Which of course he did. He walked up the ladder, a packet of custard cremes in his mouth and walked over to her. She looked round and she immediately smiled

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" Jack asked her softly, not wanting to disturb the quiet of the night

"Shouldn't you?" She asked back in the same tone and he gave a gentle laugh as he sat by her, handing her the biscuits.

Cindy blushed and took them, putting one in her mouth and swallowing before she spoke "It's beautiful out here.. I don't really understand why I like it so much"

"Maybe because it's quiet and you can share special moments with someone on a night like this" Jack said softly and Cindy looked at him.

Instead of running away from his comment, Cindy just smiled, a blush adorning her cheeks "And... are you hoping that special someone is you, Captain?"

This time it was Jack's turn to turn away and blush. Laughing gently, he looked up at Cindy again "I mean, I'd certainly be jealous if it was anybody else..."

Cindy's heart gave a small flutter in her chest and she looked down with a big smile. Jack smiled at her and watched her hair fall in front of her face. He tucked it behind her ear and as he went to take his hand away, she took it into hers and entwined their fingers.

Jack blinked, completely shocked but she just smiled at him

"Cind?" he asked gently, frowning slightly now "Are you sure you-"

"Yes" she said immediately "Y'know going back to Ireland woke me up... seeing my baby there it just, I dunno. But I know what I want now. I want to put the past behind me and just be me. Cindy Lane. The same Cindy Lane that is falling head over heels in love with Captain Jack Harkness"

Jack hadn't realised but his right eye welled up like both of hers did. She gave a small sniff and went to wipe her eyes when he took the chance to kiss her.

The kiss was slow and gentle. Jack still didn't know where his boundaries were and he didn't want to push her too far. When they broke off, Cindy made a small sound and Jack immediately smiled when he realised she giggled.

She raised her eyes to look at him. A few small tears had fell to her cheeks and she sighed softly, stroking one of his. Jack leaned into her touch and closed his eyes

They sat there with each other for hours, Cindy in Jacks arms, stroking through his short hair. Cindy eventually fell asleep in his arms, her hand having fell to his shoulder. Jack didn't want to disturb her. Carefully taking off his coat, he covered her in it as let her sleep in his lap. This time it was Jack who ran his fingers through her hair and she remained asleep.

It happened!! Stay tuned for updates! I'm on a roll!
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