Prologue - Revenge shall commence...

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The loud, booming sound of thunder and lightning echoed throughout the broken down, wrecked mansion as heavy, freezing rain poured from the grey, clouded skies. Thick, white mist covered the entire of the muddy, lifeless forest as a terrible, sharp wind cut through the area with no mercy whatsoever. This did not matter to him at all though as he hugged the dead body of what was his Gengar nicknamed Missile. His purple jacket soaking wet and his pale skin ice cold, Felix Haunt, a twelve year old boy, cried and cried, tears streamed down his heartbroken face. "I-I'm so sorry M-Missile..." He was just able to whisper, his teeth chattering wildly. "I c-couldn't f-find h-help..." He held the Ghost-type tighter in his arms, shaking like mad. 

Everything had happened so fast and quickly. Felix was just calmly studying for school underneath a small oak tree in his families mansion back garden, reading a book on Pokemon status conditions, Missile beside him resting quietly and his three other Pokemon, Shade the shiny Haunter, Lynx the Dusknoir and Swift the Banette were all playing a game of hide and seek in the bushes that surrounded the edge of the backyard field close nearby. Little did Felix or his Pokemon realise his younger sister's gigantic Growlithe stalking Missile in from behind. There was a bark and a howl from the Puppy Pokemon and a terrible yelp of great pain from the Shadow Pokemon and before Felix knew it there was blood. Everywhere. Crimson coloured liquid stained the grass, himself, on the Growlithe's paws and claws and covered Missile's body and head. So shocked and terrified, Felix screamed, staring at the sight in front of him. Panic-ridden and horrified, Felix scoped Missile up in his arms and began pressing down on the wound with his hand to stop the bleeding. His three other Pokemon had seen the whole scene and rushed to help their beloved trainer and fellow Pokemon partner. Felix, on the edge of crying, stood up and ran, dashing through the flower beds, around the stone fountain and over the small, wooden fence hoping to find the Poke center, still holding Missile in his arms and stopping the blood. His other Pokemon without hesitation flew after their master, wanting to help as much as possible.

But Felix's wish of finding the Dewitx Town Pokemon Center didn't come to be and he ended up wandering around in the wild at night completely and utterly lost. It wasn't until he came across the abandoned part of the forest with a huge, old Mansion that he decided that he and his Pokemon should take a break in the giant house as Missile had fallen asleep and the bleeding had stopped considerably a lot. Once it was morning though, and Felix had awoken from sleeping on the stone floor due to the rain, Missile was gone...

"Haunter?!..." (Wait what's happened?!...) The barely audible cry of Shade sounded behind Felix. In complete and utter shock the shiny Haunter floated forward slowly. Softly and silently, Shade put a hand on where Missile's wound is. "H-Haunt... Haunter?!" (H-He's... Dead isn't he?!) Felix broke down further, letting go of Missile and putting him down on the ground gently. "I am so sorry Shade... But yes... Yes, he-" The poor young trainer couldn't finish his sentence off. He really could hardly take it in that Missile was gone... "DUSK!!!" (MISSILE!!!) Lynx's terror-filled yell echoed on the Mansions walls. "Banette?!" (Is he okay?!) Swift quickly rushed to Missile with Lynx as fast as light and froze at the sight of their beloved friend, limp and bloody. "He... He didn't make... It..." Felix explained, torn and shattered with a tear-stained face. Felix and his three remaining Pokemon mourn for their lost partner, stroking him and taking turns to hug his body. After a small moment, Lynx turned to Felix. "Dusknoir... Dusknoir?" (When are we... Going back home?) The grief-struck Gripper Pokemon asked in just barely a whisper. Felix hadn't thought about that. How were he and his Pokemon supposed to find Dewtix Town again? "I-I'm not sure Lynx... I don't know where home is-" He cuts himself off as a horrible, painful thought came to him. Jaspey had killed Missile yet they were the best of friends ever... But why? Jaspey would never do anything like that! Not unless his trainer had told him too.  And that trainer was his younger, ten-year-old Sister, Riley Blaze! Jaspey had always been extremely loyal to Riley, even more than loyal really. So loyal in fact, he would've killed his BFF if she had told him too, which he did. That was the only reason Jaspey would've done what he had done taking Missile's life. Riley had been avoiding him and hadn't been talking with him as much as she could too! Felix glared in pure and utter rage at the, cracked ground of the Mansion. "I've changed my mind... We are never going home! I'm not letting Riley kill another one of my Pokemon or even me!" His three Pokemon stare at him in sheer and complete confusion. "Haunt? Haunter Haunt?" (Riley? Kill us and you?) Shade questioned, tilting his head. Felix sighed and glanced up a bit. "Jaspey wouldn't dare kill his best friend. Not unless someone he is loyal too and obeys constantly told him too! And that someone had to be Riley! It's said the Growlithe's are loyal to their trainers! And Riley is his trainer..." The three ghost Pokemon are shaken by Felix's explanation. But they were unable to deny that what Felix had said was true. "Banette Banette Bane Bane?!" (So what are we going to do now?) Swift asked, putting a hand on Felix's arm. Felix put a finger on his Banette's arm and whispered. "I'm afraid I'm not sure..." Jaspey and Riley had killed Missile though, so they had to do something. And since Riley and Jaspey had killed Missile, they deserved nothing more than to die with him! "We'll avenge Missile... I shall kill both Riley and Jaspey and anyone else who tries to stop me!" He growled. His three Pokemon are scared by Felix's sudden mood change, backing back a little. But after a little while of thinking, they soon too come to the conclusion that Riley and Jaspey had to be killed as well. Shade, Lynx and Swift all made small noises of agreement. Felix stared up at Missile, holding back tears. Little did he nor his partners notice the red that flashed his in bright blue eyes for a second. "Riley Blaze..." Felix muttered. "You will pay!!! And I shall do whatever it takes, to destroy you... Revenge shall commence!!!..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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