Best Thing

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Veronica was nowhere to be seen.

In her place, were tiny little diamonds strewn on the floor, leading towards a few trees in the back. For a second, Jughead was confused. Had Veronica intended this, or is this someone else's doing? Shaking off his confusion, he followed the trail of diamonds, picking them up as he walked in case someone else followed the trail.

Jughead's breath caught in his throat when the trail of diamonds ended. He was standing in the middle of a clearing surrounded by cherry blossoms. Glittering string lights were strung over the trees and in the middle of the clearing lay a picnic blanket and a Lambourghini with the top down. On the picnic blanket lay an extravagant assortment of food and a bottle of Rosé, while warm blankets and fluffy pillows were stuffed in the convertible.

But the brightest of them all, shined Veronica Lodge. She was wearing a simple flowy dress that made her look like a Greek Goddess. She looked ethereal, as she was literally glowing from the inside. Jughead did not understand how she could wear no jewelry or fancy dress, but still manage to outshine everything in his world.

"I promised you an official first date after you recovered, right, Forsythe Pendleton Jones the Third?" Veronica smiled coyly.

The lighting that Veronica had set up must have interfered with Jughead's brain cell signals because he was dumbstruck for a moment. When he came to his senses, he ran over, scooped Veronica into bridal style, and spun her around gently, gazing into her eyes.

"I love you, Veronica Lodge," Jughead's eyes never left her gaze. "I love every single part of you."

"Even my blind eye?" Veronica hand ran through his curly hair. She had always been insecure about her blindness.

"Especially your blind eye," Jughead kissed her left eye gently. "That's what brought us together."

Veronica Lodge found herself lost in the pool of green in his eyes. "I love you too, Jughead Jones."

They shared a gentle yet loving kiss on this first official date of theirs.

"You know, someone once said that the best things are the things unseen, so you've got the gift of experiencing the best things," Jughead whispered when they finally parted for air.

"Whoever said that was wrong, because I see you, and you are the best thing," Veronica smiled and lead him over to the food, which Jughead had forgotten all about for once.


The date Veronica had planned had advanced their relationship to the next level spiritually, as their souls had further connected with each other. However, although Jughead was over the moon about the surprise first official date she had organised, he felt guilty that he was not the one who had initiated the date. He knew Veronica was a traditional romantic, craving chivalry and romantic gestures. Veronica would have wanted him, the boy, to organise the first date. He wondered why Veronica would go so out of her way to do this for him, against her principles of love.

This riddle plagued him for a few days, which was why he finally worked up the courage to ask her one night when the lights were off and he was under the protection of the covers.

"V, something's been on my mind," Jughead interlocked his fingers with hers.

He had read somewhere that it was impossible to be angry at someone when they were holding hands, so hopefully Veronica would not get offended at this question.

Veronica rolled over to look at him in response. He sounded pretty serious and she stroked his hand with her thumb with soothing movements.

"Why did you organise our official first date? I mean, knowing you, you'd probably have thought it even romantic if I had arranged it," Jughead worded his sentence carefully.

To Jughead's relief, Veronica's eyebrows raised then her lips curled into a smile. She burst into soft giggles, which further confused Jughead.

"Because I love you, you idiot! You've already done so much for me, I want to be able to do something for you," she replied cutely.

"You don't have to do anything for me," Jughead grinned. "Having you is enough."

"But I want to," Veronica insisted stubbornly, then turning over to go back to sleep.

Jughead draped his hand over her waist. "Veronica?"

"Mm?" She sleepily muttered in reply.


"Go to sleep," Veronica wearily reached back blindly to hit his face softly to shut him up.


"What?" An annoyed Veronica sat up, looming over Jughead. "What do you want?"

"I lied when I said having you is enough," Jughead grinned sheepishly.

Question marks floated in Veronica's half asleep brain. 'What does he mean? Does he want to get married and have babies?'

"Can you make me some food? I'm hungry..."

It took all of Veronica's willpower to stop herself from giving him a good slap.
"Hell no! Okay, I really need to rethink why I'm dating you."

She flung the covers so that her whole body and head were underneath, safe from Jughead's annoying requests for food.

"Fine," a grumpy Jughead finally went back to sleep.


The next morning, Veronica found the kitchen trashed to her horror, but she had no time to clean it up before their doorbell rang.

"Drive me to school?" Betty Cooper cheerfully showed up at her door.

"Yeah sure, hang on, I have to channel Marie Kondo before I leave for school," Veronica groaned as she started to clean up the disaster in her kitchen.

"What happened?" Betty gaped and started to help her put the pans and pots back in place.

"What do you think?" Veronica asked pointedly.

"You and Jughead did it on the kitchen counter?"

"What the hell? No! Who would do it on the kitchen counter?" Veronica reprimanded her bestie for even suggesting that.

There was an awkward silence before Veronica figured it out. The pan she was washing clattered out of her hand.

"Oh ew!! You're washing this! I'm never touching the kitchen counter again," she exclaimed, scuttering out of the kitchen.

"We didn't do anything, we just shared an intense kiss!" Betty corrected. "And don't think you're getting out of cleaning your kitchen so easily!"

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