Chapter III

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Author's Note: Here's what Chardirakii looks like. In her goddess form she has the greenish-blue lights. In any other form she takes though she doesn't.

I was extremely upset when I returned to my realm

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I was extremely upset when I returned to my realm. I didn't feel like dealing with the punishments at the moment so I summoned a wraith and handed it a list of names and punishments.
I walked through the black twisting flames and breathed in deeply.
The scent of rust filled my sensors. Rust and death lingered heavily in the air as the screams of the sparks sent here echoed through the thick black and violet flames.
I loved it.
Breathing out again I walked into my large home.
The doors swung open at a wave of my servo, to reveal Primus sitting at a small table laden with energon.
"Come to persuade me?" I asked, walking inside, the doors shutting behind me with an echoing thud.
"What makes you think that?" Primus asked me, pulling up a chair beside the table.
"You rarely come here, and when you do it's hardly for tea," I replied, standing behind the chair and resting my clawed servos on the back of it, looking into my adopted sire's white optics.
Primus sighed,"True, Chardirakii. You are clever. I hope you will have a seat and hear what I have to say."
There was a moment of tense silence between us, then I hesitantly sat on the chair and folded my servos in my lap.
"I am listening," I said.
"Chardirakii, I appreciate your hard work down here, we all do," Primus said, leaning forwards in his chair,"But it seems you are now working too hard."
"Hardly a fitting reason why I should bond with a leader," I stated,"If that is the case perhaps I can visit with Lightpath and Darkpath for a while."
"No no," Primus replied with a sigh," Chardirakii, I've been meaning to tell you this for some time now...but unlike my other children, the ones created by my own are fading."
I tensed up,"What do you mean?"
A cup on the table began floating towards me, already filled with warm, steaming energon.
I wrapped my digits around the cup, but didn't move to bring it to my dermas.
"My brother made you," Primus said, reminding me yet again of how out of place I was,"He is your spark's sustenance. Unless you bond with a mech, a mortal mech, with a strong spark, you will die, Chardirakii. You must know by now that this is for your own safety."
My servos tightened around the cup and my dermas pressed together in a thin line,"And what led you to these...assumptions?"
"Visions...visions and prophecies told to me by Moonsight who, as you already know, shattered last stellar-cycle," Primus replied, folding his servos on the table.
I nodded. I remembered Moonsight's 'shattering' well.
We had been talking, her and I, about our true sire Unicron, when she suddenly fell ill, an unusual occurence for the Goddess of Foresight and Prophecy.
Several days later, Moonsight had shattered into small fragments of dust.
"You are saying I might shatter too?" I asked, slowly lifting the cup to my intake.
Primus nodded in reply.
I took a sip, allowing the sweetness to slide over my glossa and down my throat pipe before setting the cup down again.
More tense silence.
"Do you consent?" Primus asked.
"To do what?" I murmered.
"To allow me to send you to Earth where your two possible Sparkmates now wage war? Your powers will be diminished slightly and you will become a mortal like them," Primus replied,"Once you have bonded with one of them, you may choose to remain at their side, or return to your realm."
I looked into the cup and saw violet swirls appear in the glowing blue liquid. A sign of my agitation.
Finally, I nodded, and the cup shattered to violet dust as my spark gave a violent wrench.
By agreeing to this I was leaving my whole life behind. My realm, my friends...everything.
Primus stood and so did I.
My sire took my servos in his and held them firmly.
"Chardirakii, Goddess of Death, I now send you to the far reaches of our universe to (hopefully) find a proper Sparkmate and regain your full health," Primus said in his booming voice, then pressed a gentle kiss to my fore-helm.
"Be safe, choose wisely, my daughter," he whispered.
I nodded, closing my optics and felt myself falling backwards.
I fell and fell and fell, not sure if I was going fast or slow.
I didn't dare open my optics, as there are some things in the interdimensions not even the Goddess of Death can look at and be fine.
Suddenly I felt intense heat envelop my frame and I was actually falling now. Not just the feeling...I was actually falling through a planet's atmosphere.
I opened my optics to see I was engulfed in flames and falling towards a planet.
Earth, my true sire, Unicron.
I broke through the atmosphere and hurtled towards the ground, a grassy plain approaching fast.
At first I thought there were tiny specks running over the plain, but as I got closer I could see a small group of five Autobots fighting against a much much larger group of Decepticons.
I hit the ground and landed on my peds in a crouch causing a loud 'boom!' to sound over the plain and several Vehicons near me toppled over.
Slowly standing up I saw only two somewhat familiar face-plates. One was Optimus Prime, his mask obscuring most of his facial expressions but his wide sky-blue optics clearly showed shock.
The other was Megatron, his red optics also large and his scarred intake open, the tips of pointy denta showing slightly.
I knew that I must look strange to them, with my goddess armor still on and having just fallen from the sky with no protective pod to keep my frame from melting as I passed through the atmosphere.
Megatron stepped closer,"Who are you, femme?"
I turned a hard glare on the mech and replied,"It would be wise to choose your words carefully, Megatron, gladiator in the Pits of Kaon."
Megatron's optic ridges went up a little,"I have not seen you before. When did we meet?"
"Every time a warrior falls," I replied,"I am Chardirakii...the Goddess of Death."

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