Thumbs, Things and The Great Cardboard Wall of China

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It was a new place and a new challenge, filming Ever Night Two as Ning Que.

He made a promise when the script first landed on his lap and he accepted, not only to himself but to those closest to him, to give the project his all.

And he was.

The set itself was visually stunning and he was in awe every single morning, feeling like he was transported back in time.

The stunt aspect was by far both his favorite part and the most challenging part of his role as Ning Que. He just didn't realize how often he would be put in a harness and suspended off the ground, doing flips in mid-air. The physicality of it all was an exciting challenge to take on and he enjoyed that but the muscle aches ...not so much.

He had begun to become friendly with the other actors and actresses on set and he was relieved about that, to know that the next venture in his acting career, one that took him away from his girlfriend, was with a group of people who were genuinely good and funny people.

They had FaceTimed earlier that morning right before he had to head off.

They greeted each other both yawning. His moon looking adorably ruffled and sleepy.

"Hi my tiger! Good Morning!"

"Good Morning to you too baobei."

"What are you doing right now?"

"I'm about to go to set. I wanted to see you before I did. What are you doing?"

She yawned and replied, "I finally finished moving in. Well sort of, I have placed all of my boxes inside my new apartment." She flipped the camera around and showed him the stacks and stacks of cardboard boxes around her. She flipped the camera back around to show her face and deadpanned "I have the Great Cardboard Wall of China in my apartment."

"I was just taking a snooze before I get to unpacking."

The pieces in his mind clicked together, "My precious white pig, were you sleeping on the floor? You do remember the time when we went to that place in Mongolia right and we leaned how to make beds? Has all of your time as movie characters and flying around in harnesses caused you to forget already?"

"Hmmph haha Mister, I was too tired to locate the bedding box in all of this kerfuffle. So I was taking a snooze on my jacket. Also, I don't possess a bed at the moment. The bed at my old place couldn't be moved and you know what they say, new year... new bed. Aiyahh and the heating is going to be turned on sometime today and the water, so that should be fun. I never realized how much of a hassle moving into an apartment on your own was!"

He touched the screen, a frown coming to his face as a pang hit his heart, "I wish I could be there!"

"I know baobei and we will celebrate when you come visit okay? I'll send you photos today as I unpack and sort so it will be as if you are right there for me." She gave him a thumbs up, which was one of their non verbal communications to say alright? okay? are you okay? I'm okay. We can do this.

He gave her a thumbs up in return though he wasn't sure if he was okay or not because that morning he was especially missing her.

He checked his watch and cursed silently, time slipped away whenever he would talk with her, figuratively and literally, and now he was at the risk of running late.

"Yue, I have to go! I am about to be late. I miss you so much!"

"I miss you so much! You will be great today on set as Ning Que... jia you!"

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