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She's keep twirling around in front of the mirror, just to make sure she's not overdressed. She's really got difficulty when come to styling herself, usually Jiaqi will be the her personal stylist. 

'Is it too much for dinner? Why she's putting this dress? is it too formal?'

Yue staring to herself on mirror, wearing off shoulders black midi dress. Jiaqi is the one packing few dress into her luggage.

"Why you packing those dress? That's not necessary Jiaqi...i just will wearing jeans and shirt only."

She's just staring her friends choosing the dress from her wardrobe.

"Believe me, you need this Yueyue! Hey, you need go to shopping soon! How the woman closet got just few dresses??"

"I'm not wearing dress much, just for special occasion..."

"Ugh...Yueyue, we need dress! Woman need the best dress, that like our special gear! It's not wrong to pamper yourself more!"

"Er..but i don't think it necessary though..."

"Yes! It is necessary!!! You need that!! Believe me!!"

This dress was brought for her company dinner last year and she's only wearing it once, this is the her second time.

'What should i do with this hair?'

Now she's styling her hair with her limited skills, hesitating between to let it down or ponytail or messy buns. She finally decided to make it high buns and kinda pleased with her looks today.

She's taking the selfie just to show it to Jiaqi. Her friend maybe shocked to see her in classic red lips. Her make up is light, only her lips is highlighting in red just because she feels it will be give her classy and vintage looks.

Matching with black strips heels, she's ready to go. Deciding walk to restaurant since it's just few blocks from her hotel. The restaurant quite famous in the town, so it's not difficult to find it.

"Buonasera, Signorina. Did you have reservation?"

She's welcoming by the male receptionist which is looks good. Jiaqi is right, Italian man looks not bad though.

"Yes, i have reservation under my name, Shen Yue.."

"Ok, yes signorina. Table for 2. Please follow me, let me show your seat."

Once she's entering the restaurant, her mouth is jaw-dropping with the interior. She hate to admit but Jiaqi always right. She's loves this place.

The restaurant interior is very rustic in Italian concept but still feels elegant with round timber table and dark red table cloth, vintage chandelier, high ceiling and everything seems very nice to her. She feels like stepping into 60's which these setting. 

Her table at the corner but still fronting the stage. She's love with her seat, the waiter coming with the menu. She's taking time to review it before make the order.

"I want this Carbonara Pasta, Margherita pizza and for red wine, could you recommend for me?"

"Is it ok with Pinot Noir, Signorina? which is best pairing with you dishes today."

"Ok, great! I'll take that and please add tiramisu for desert. Thank you."

There's vibrate from her purse, she's quickly taking it maybe it's from Mdm. Eleanor.

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