Chapter 6: Bad Day

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Something wasn't right with Dick and Wally knew it. When he came home from work he was off and just disappeared to take a shower. Normally that wasn't alarming but he took a long shower. When Dick took long showers, especially by himself, then something was troubling him. Wally waited in the bedroom for Dick to be finished.

"Okay babe?" Wally asked as Dick walked out, towel wrapped around his waist, headed towards the closet. 

"Yeah," Dick said. It sounded like he was going to say nothing more but then he stopped in his step and sighed, "I just had a bad day is all."

"Wanna talk about it?" Wally asked, gesturing beside him to the beside table where two cups of hot chocolate he had made just the way Dick liked it, with cinnamon sticks and candy canes, were waiting.

Dick smiled slightly, "Alright, just let me get some pajamas on." Normally Wally would have responded with something along the lines of "Why? I'm about to take them off you anyways" but this really didn't feel like the time. When Dick came back he sat on their bed beside Wally and let him hand him some hot chocolate.

Now, if Wally knew Dick, and he really did, then Dick didn't want him to say anything. Wally silently waited, knowing Dick was figuring it all out in his head. After a few moment Dick finally started, "I watched a boy die today, Walls." Wally wrapped his arms carefully around his boyfriend, not saying anything, just being there. "He was an orphan, parents had died a few hours earlier. I was sent up to talk to him and I couldn't convince him away from the edge. When he jumped I almost caught him but...I should have gotten closer to him before he jumped," Dick looked up at Wally, tears running down his cheeks.

"Dick, there was nothing more you could have done. This boy had made up his mind before you had even gotten there. There was nothing you could have done," Wally whispered as he hugged Dick tightly. Dick pressed his face into the crook of Wally's neck and hiccuped through his sobs. Their cups lay discarded on the bedside table. "Dickie, look at me real quick," Wally said gently. When Dick looked up at him Wally softly took the younger's face in his hands, "There was nothing you could have done, that anyone could have done. You've saved so many people over the years. Think of all the times you've practically single handedly saved the world. You're a hero. Sometimes though, you can't save someone. It's horrible but it isn't your fault. Imagine if you hadn't been there at all. I guarantee he would have died feeling even worse."

Dick mumbled out a few "thank yous" to Wally as they were wrapped up in each others arms. Eventually they ended up laying down. Wally was laying on his back with Dick stomach down and head on his shoulder with his arm draped across Wally's waist. 

"I love you Wally. Thank you," Dick whispered, drifting off.

"I love you too," Wally whispered back, slowly falling asleep as well.

Author Note: Big Thanks to everyone still reading! Love you all so much. Check out my announcements page or whatever it is called to see the announcement about another book I wrote and finished. 

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