Partie Un ~ Heartbroken

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The gaze of my sister as she sat on the edge of my bed began to drive me utterly insane. She watched me like I was a glass plate that was going to break at any given moment despite me being swaddled in blankets, pillows and my coffee mug. 

I tried my best to avoid her eyes, but of course, I failed. "Just get the hell out already," I screamed at my best friend, immediately feeling horrible for pushing away the one girl that has stuck by my side through this whole process, the others lining up to screw my ex-boyfriend. 

The way she sadly walked out of my bedroom caused the tears to slowly fall from my eyes. I wasn't me anymore and everyone knew it. 

I sat in bed all day doing nothing but sleeping and watching the videos on my instagram of me and Harry. I hadn't ate much, possibly just a spoon of ice cream here and there, but not an actual meal in weeks. I disconnected my phone number and quit my job, so those were both probably good reasons as to why my sister was watching me like a hawk. 

I didn't need a phone, I didn't need a job and I didn't need sympathy. Those were the least of my concerns, but my friends and family seemed to think that I was going crazy without them. That's what I hated most about them, they always decided what was good for me, what was bad and how I should life my life. 

Harry was the only person in my life that hadn't tried to control what I could do. He would let me drink at 12 in the afternoon or he'd let me sleep all day long. He didn't mind if I went out to a club with my friends or if I came home shitfaced and horny. 

Harry was the one person I could depend on until I couldn't depend on him. One night, I came home early, the memory like a sad movie that was stuck on repeat in my head. 


I stumbled in, not at intoxicated as usual which was common for a week day when I had to be to work at 11 the next day. I closed the heavy door behind me, immediately stripping myself of the jacket that I had on, my high heels coming off next. 

I heard music playing upstairs but blew it off, assuming Harry was just having a little party himself, that is until a petite girl came down the stairs wearing his shirt that I bought him for his birthday. 

I was on the couch, the living room lights being off, making it harder to spot me. I watched the scene unfold. A half naked Harry walking down the stairs after her, him kissing her before walking her to the door only to realize that my jacket was on the floor along with the heels I had just taken off moments prior.

His head whipped around and could faintly make out my figure on the couch, curled up and seeing everything as if it were a movie. The girl was still there since Harry stalled when he saw my clothing articles, clearly scared of what would happen next. 

"Get the fuck out of my house before I kill you," My words were slurred as I stood up and lunged at the girl, just barely getting a hit in before Harry pulled me away. She ran out the door with a terrified look on her face. 

Harry tried apologizing profusely as I packed a bag and called my sister, her offering me a place to stay and to pick me up.

"Sophie please wait!" Harry yelled at me as I ran down the stairs into the living room, waiting for a text from my sister saying that she was here. "No, Harry. If this is why you didn't care what I did or where I was, then fuck you. You never loved me, you were just using me to look good. Go to hell." I spit words out at a million miles an hour, not caring how rude or drunk I was. 


I couldn't believe that things had ended so badly between us. The man I pictured the rest of my life with was just gone in the span of 30 minutes, all of the trust and feelings I had for him gone out the window. Sadly, the memories of us still stuck in my brain, finding a home and refusing to leave. 

After an hour of sitting alone, Amelia returned with more coffee and a phone in her hand. "It's for you." Her voice sounded off, like she was telling me 'sorry' before I had answered the phone. 

I took the coffee and the phone, setting the mug on the dresser and pushing the phone to my ear. "This is Sophia." I answered in my most professional voice. "This is Dr. Johnson from East Side Hospital, there was an accident and we need you to come in."

Those words were enough for me to jump up, changing the clothes I've been in for days and begging Mia to drive me there, I didn't trust myself with how shaky I was. 

Once inside, I was directed to the room where Harry laid with bruises and cuts all over his tattooed body, my heart breaking at the sight. I took a seat next to his seemingly lifeless body and cried harder than I did when he cheated on me. 

He had been in a car accident that he caused. He was drunk and tried coming to see me, or thats at least what he told the police and paramedics that helped him. 

From what I could understand from the doctors, Harry broke some ribs, punctured a lung and had some internal bleeding, but should wake up unless he stroked out after surgery. 

Instead of focusing on the positive, that he might wake up, my brain could only think of what would happen if I lost him. 

I would probably die. Not literally, but on the inside. I wouldn't care, I would just be reckless and give up. Even now, I still ate a tad and drank. I still moved and breathed and talked. But if Harry died, I wouldn't even be able to manage to use the restroom. 

The thought alone was enough to make me break down in tears as I held his hand. I squeezed it and cried, repeating the words 'i love you' profusely and praying to God that he didn't take away my love. My life. 

I had apparently fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again, it was dark outside and Harry was sitting up, awake. 

I'm sure it looked like I had seen a ghost because the small chuckle that left Harry's lips was confirmation enough that I had a funny look on my face. 

"I thought I lost you. God I never want to go through that pain again. I love you Harry" I sniffled and jumped up from excitement. "I'm sorry Soph, I love you. I'll never leave you again." he was crying just as hard as I was at the moment. 

Those word were enough for me to forgive him. To forgive the act of cheating and to allow love to find its way back into my heart. 

I loved Harry Styles and I think-I think he loved me.

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