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i. blast from the past


"MOM DO WE HAVE TO MOVE IN with aunt lorelai," i ask as we exit out of the car and into the house

"yes, river, we do"

"couldn't you just find a job in, i don't know, like florida or something, you could get like any job you want"

"because i got the job here and it's a good job and i'm finally happy, river, don't ruin that" i know it's actually about my father and our old house just reminds her too much about him

"right, sorry mom" i rolled my eyes, my mom got this job here in stars hollow out of all the places and i had to move with her because 'i'm not responsible enough' blah blah blah and leave all my friends behind. can this get any worse?

"oh, and you're going to have to start school, since i'm going to be to busy with work" i spoke to soon

"what?" i ask in disbelief, i've always been homeschooled, all my life, never stepped foot into a school and i was never planning on it, until university.

"i'm sorry honey but that's how it's gonna be you start on monday"


"no buts"


"eh" she cut me off as she knocks on the door.

not so soon later the door soon opens revealing a very out of breath lorelai

"you guys came?"


"angelica" lorelai spoke in her mocking tone. they've always been different, liked different things, let's just say that my mom is more like my grandmother in this case, sometimes it's helpful when it comes to businesses and schools and stuff but most of the time i wish she was more like aunt lorelai, so carefree

"why don't you guys come in? unless you want to stay outside in the cold though it probably won't bother you one bit" she smiles to my mom as it causes me a laugh, getting a glare from my mother

i've always loved when lorelai sarcastically said her comebacks to my mom, it helps with all the seriousness in my life so far. with my mom wanting me to be perfect but i just—i just want to draw.

i wouldn't say i'm good at it but i'm pretty darn close. everyone i've shown and that a limit of people, only like two or three one being my dad but it's more of a thing i do for me, i've spent most of my life doing things for other people and this is just something for me.

i sometimes even catch myself drawing and not even realize it's just something that comes natural to me. like when i'm talking on the phone with someone and there's a piece of paper lying there with a pen, i'll just randomly draw in it.

now i'm the only person with art in my family besides my father, he was the best musician but it ended so tragically but that's a story for another time.

"well, perfect timing some other guests are joining us for dinner too" she said as i follow her towards the kitchen

"you go ahead, river i have to go get the bags from the car" i nodded as we enter the kitchen

and then i see him the person i thought i'd never see again

"well this is luke, a very important guy who gives us coffee every morning and night and afternoon and this is his nephew.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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