"I really don't want to speak about how messed up my mum is or the situation of our relationship. Let's just drop it and move on." He closes my door and walks around to the drivers side. "Oh, and please don't go talking about this to Jayden. He has his own stuff to deal with." 

I gesture a zipper movement along my lips to signify I wouldn't say a word to anyone, despite the fact that I probably would. 

Henry laughs at my gesture and shakes his head, putting his car into reverse and backing out of the driveway, starting the journey to Jayden. 

Throughout the drive, my head was working a million miles per hour. So much had happened in one afternoon, non of which I really wanted to talk about to anyone except my brothers. 

I rest my head upon the window and tried to forget everything I had seen and heard whilst at Henry's house. 

*   *   *

At the library, I didn't focus on anything that I should have been focusing on. I spent majority of my time researching my lost relationship. 

"B, you really need to do some work" Jayden points out, peaking over my shoulder at my laptop. 

"I have done some, I just- I need to know about him." I defend. 

Jayden opens his mouth to speak again, but is cut off by Henry. "Guys, do you mind if we head off now? I've had enough." 

Henry had been pretty silent the whole night, not really helping with chem when I'd ask questions, and mainly just writing some essay. I knew something else was obviously ticking in his mind. 

Jayden looks at me and then back to Henry, "Uh, sure. You right man?" 

Henry nods, packing up his books and laptop. Jayden and I follow his lead and do the same, cautiously following him out of the library. 

I could feel he wanted to blow up. 

As we approached Henry's car, I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. 

Luke: 'Are you coming home tonight?'

I sigh and reply back with a no. 

"Right, so I'll drop Jayden and then Bella" Henry says as he switches on the ignition. 

"Actually, drop me first. I'm going to stay at Josh's tonight." I inform him, knowing that Josh's apartment was closer to the library than Jayden's house was.  

Without a question Henry nods his head and backs out of the parking spot, allowing the car ride to once again be completely silent. 

Outside the complex I say a quick goodbye to Jayden and Henry, "Take care boys. I'll see you Monday." 

"You too." Henry offers me a weak smile. 

"Laters B." Jayden beams, completely unaware with both situations that had unfolded this afternoon. 

I wave them off before heading to Josh's apartment on the third floor. I knock three times and await the opening of the door. 

I absolutely had not told him I was coming over. 

However, the look on Josh's face didn't replicate the one I had imagined in my mind. 

"You don't look very surprised to see me.." I state. 

"Luke called me." he said, opening the door wider for me to enter. I sighed as I did so, walking straight to Josh's room and collapsing onto his bed. 

Josh crawled onto the bed beside me, allowing me to cuddle up to him. "Wanna tell me what happened?" 

"Oh, Luke didn't tell you that?" I huff. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2019 ⏰

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