Chapter 60 - Epilogue

Start from the beginning


With the clear bell that Green found on her way back to Ecruteak City, along with an interpret dance that the female grunts did, Ho-oh had been summoned. Green had handed me the Master Ball she stole from Professor Oak's lab, in which I used to capture Ho-oh. Now, the Pokéball with Ho-oh inside rests in my palms.

"This is the first step, Silver. Doesn't it feel great, to know you have the power to change everything right in the palm of your hands?" Green noted contently.

"I guess... it feels a bit... overwhelming," I replied, gripping onto the Master Ball with my fingers.

"Well Silver, the next step will be your decision. What would you like to do?" she questioned.

I knew what I wanted: Revenge. However, I also knew that even if I finish my revenge, it still won't cleanse the pain in my memories. I already have a second objective.

"I want to recreate this world,"

'To see Lyra again,' I mentally added.

"If I may, I heard the Legendary Pokémon of the Sinnoh region is capable of doing such. Its power can bring back things that once were destroyed, make certain things vanish into thin air, or to halt time," Sham suggested.

Green turned towards her. "Are you certain with your facts?"

"I heard many facts and stories surrounding the Sinnoh region that Arceus was the one who created this Pokémon world. I'm sure that Pokémon will be useful to Boss Silver."

Sinnoh... it was also the perfect opportunity to build Lyra's grave. At the same time, if I were to recreate the world, her grave would be one of the few things I want to preserve. I averted my gaze from Green to Sham and replied to her statement.

"I will listen to those facts. First, there are a few things we need to do here in Johto before we go to Sinnoh to finish things."

"You can do that, Silver. We need to cast fear amongst the people of this Pokémon world, then we can start recruiting trustworthy people to do our bidding," Green informed me.

"Sir, Sham and I will assist you. The rest of the Unit should help Green with rebuilding Team Rocket and giving ourselves a new reputation," Carls proclaimed.

As I here the agreement of Unit 47, I knew what I wanted to do first. However, I should confirm with Sham and Carl about the Masked Man. After we exited Bell Tower, the three of us proceeded to separate directions from Green's group.

"Sham, Carl, tell me who the Masked Man is. I want to have a chat with him," I demanded.

"Of course, sir. The Masked Man is..."

• ᴘ ᴏ ᴋ ᴇ ᴍ ᴏ ɴ •

I stepped into the Mahogany Gym, reminiscing about the cold I had endured along with Lyra. After entering through doors, with Sham and Carl defeating the Trainers inside, I walked into the main room, where I noticed the Gym Leader sitting on a block of ice. He looked up to me as if he was expecting my presence.

"It took you a while to come back here, Silver," he commented.

I clenched my fists. "So you've been expecting me?"

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