"We have two months to move. I figured once school ends we can leave. I've already been looking at houses somewhere in Tennessee. It's smaller than Los Angeles, California but I think you'll like it.

"Bullshit!" I screamed pacing back and forth wanting so badly to hit something.

"Add!" Dad said probably surprised because it was the first time I cussed in front of him.

"You expect me to start my senior year in a completely different town and expect me to be happy about it. Dad all I've ever known is here, my friends are here. How can you expect me to be happy about this." I screamed storming off hearing my dad yell my name but I didn't care. I slammed my door and refused to come out.

Things were strained for a while after that and to say I still was pissed off would be an understatement. Dad picked some house in Shadow wood, Tennessee about forty minutes away from his job. He said he was ready for something more personal. Apparently, he'll have to work mostly at night from 10 to sometime early in the morning until 6. Which also meant I will be home alone most nights. For years I've been used to being home alone but never at night and I didn't know how I felt about that. The town was small where I expect most everyone knows each other. I have always been somewhat of a private person. So I wasn't sure how I felt about everyone knowing about me. Dad was happy but I didn't care. That wasn't home.

My friends were all in tears after I revealed the news. No one wanted me to leave and either did I. I was heartbroken when I had to tell my boss of two in a half years that I had to put in my two weeks notice at the movie theater. I love that job. Everything was changing in front of me and all I wanted was to stay and finish school. I hadn't had a decent conversation with dad since that day two months ago. I had been so angry at him to give him a chance.

Than I decided to do something stupid. I was angry and I thought I would get back at my dad. My friend Cassy and I went out for our last get together. It was a party and to say the least there was alcohol. The whole night was nothing but a blur. I woke the next morning with pain in my back and a raging hangover. Color me surprised when I found elegant wings tattooed upon my right shoulder blade with a cross etched in the middle but it was the fancy golden A just above it that seem to pull the whole tattoo together. Since I was 15 I had always wanted a tattoo but my dad wouldn't let me. As stupid as it was, I loved it. It was beautiful with sweeping wings and elegant feathers and blacked cross. It was simple but beautiful. What started as a way to make my dad mad turned into my best kept secret. The tattoo had long since healed.

Cassy and I had talk it over and all I could remember was walking home and being stopped by a pretty Asian woman outside Angel's tattoo shop. She was beautiful with unique blueish eyes that seem to stare right through you. As if she can see deep within your soul. For some reason a warmth fill me the moment she stopped me upon the street.

"You! How about a tattoo on the house." She said smiling as the diamond stud within her nose twinkled.

"I'm only 17." I said shocked that this gorgeous Asian woman dress in black tank,  leather black pants with combat boots would stop me so suddenly.

"I won't tell if you don't and besides something tells me your going to needed it." She said and suddenly her eyes seemed to glow, turning from its dull blue to a vibrant color that sent chills down my back. I wasn't sure what had truly convinced me to say yes but as I stood there standing before this woman I knew she was right. So with a simple nod I entered the shop. I don't remember much after. Now I had a tattoo that will forever more remind me of home. The city of Angels.

The thing was even though my dad worked a lot he was all I had. Now as the last of our boxes are packed up all I can think is how much I wanted my dad to hug me. I didn't know what it was but ever since my dad told me we were going to move I couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen. Ever since I was younger I would have these feelings like an instinct. Over the years I've learned to trust those feelings. I felt it now skating down my back the impending doom we were about to face. I should be happy for my dad and I was but I didn't want to move.

Unfortunately, no matter how much I begged, I didn't really have a say. Even when I voice my concerns to my dad. All he could say was how I was just being paranoid and he could have been right but I couldn't get this feeling to go away. Somehow deep within my bones, I knew something was going to happen. Something bad. I just hope I was wrong. As I looked back at the home I grew up in, seeing everything as if it was the first time. I felt tears gather in the corner of my eyes.

Today was the last day I would, breath the California air, and feel like I was home.

"I'm sorry, Adds." My dad said from behind but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. "I know it's hard and you're scared but I promise it will all work out." I felt his hands graze my shoulders and I flinched away.

"Sure Dad," I said even though I didn't believe him.

Without saying another word I turned to make my way to my Jeep and got in. Most of dad's things including his old beat up SUV had already been taken to the new house. So dad and I were driving together to the new house with a trailer dragging behind us. A chill was in the air and I shivered just before I made my way inside the car. I hadn't seen the new house yet or our new town being so angry I refused to go when dad took his little trip to sign some paperwork for our new house. Now I wish I did just so I know what to expect when I get there.

Dad made his way inside the car in the driver side seat and I sighed, wishing it could be different.

"Next stop, our new home." He muttered excitedly as tears gathered once more in my eyes. Next stop... Hell. I thought just as dad pulled away from our home towards a place that left chills of doom skating down my back. Hopefully, this feeling was all in my head and I was wrong but as we drove closer and closer to our new place. The feeling never left. If anything it only got worst and based on past experience I've learned that my feelings were hardly wrong.

As the hours passed my eyes grew heavy and soon the world turned dark. I grew tired and before I knew what was happening my head began to fall and everything turned black. Suddenly, my heart began to race as I felt myself float between two worlds. One where I laid fast asleep within my car and the other where my mind swirled with haunting images that left me shivering where I laid.

The car jerked and I awoke with a scream feeling like deaths hands crawling along my back. The tires screeched as we swerved to the side of the road.

"Add! It's okay. Something just ran in front of the car. You're okay" dad said as he laid his beefy hand upon my shoulder causing me to flinch. I nodded looking out finding woods on either side of us along the road.

"I...I'm sorry, bad dream, I guess." I said with a start feeling my heart began to slow as I realized we were going to be okay. "What ran out in front of us?" I asked shivering from the lingering fear I felt just a moment ago.

"I don't know. Some kind of animal looked like a dog." Dad said as he put the car back into gear and took off down the road. I nodded not having the strength to push along the conversation. I looked out at the dark fogged covered trees and couldn't dismiss the feeling I had. Something was going to happen. For better or worst. I just hope I was ready for it.

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