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Remy awoke the next day hearing soft breathing beside her. She looked to her left and gasped in surprise. Laying next to her is a naked man and she looked down and noticed she is completely nude herself. 

The only thing she could think is she had to get the hell out of there. She scrambled out of the bed hoping the man in the bed wouldn't wake. Lucky for her the man never moved as she searched the room for her clothes. 

After searching in the morning light she could only find her dress. Rushing to dress before the man woke, she snuck out of the bedroom closing the door quietly behind her. She went down the hall discovering her shoes, jacket, scarf, and even her purse on the way to the front door. She pulled her shoes on outside the door.

Remy pulled out her phone noticing a missed text from Sara. It said, if I don't hear from you by seven I am coming with reinforcements. She looked down and saw it was almost seven now and called Sara.

"OMG are you okay?!" Screeched Sara

"Um well I guess that depends on your definition of okay. Because I don't remember much from last night."

"Where are you? I will send Gavin to you."

"No Sara! Are you crazy? I will never hear the end of it. Look I will take the L train."

"But Remy you hate the L." Sara said in surprise.

"Look I am taking the L and I swear I will explain what I remember last night."

Remy hung up despite Sara's protests. She buttoned her jacket up and ran her fingers through her hair trying to get all the tangles out. As she ignored the stares of people on the L. She had brief flashes of last night. She still couldn't remember they guys name, but she could remember their intense night. She couldn't believe what had transpired last night.

 As she stepped off the L and walked towards her tiny apartment she was thankful she didn't have to see that guy again. It was embarrassing enough that she got involved in a one night stand. Remy stared up at the faded buff building. She squared he shoulders in resolve. She got ready for the questions her best friend was sure to bombard her with. 

Sticking the key into the lock and jiggling it to get the door open. She is startled when the door is yanked out of her hand. And instead of her best friend she is staring into the eyes of none other than her father. To say he looked angry would be an understatement of the century. Peaking out from behind him Sara mouthed, "Sorry I tried to warn you."

"Um hi daddy I didn't know you were back from China. How was your trip?" Remy said trying to distract her father from the fact that she never came home last night.

"Where the hell have you been? I was about to call a tracker to find you. It's not like you to take off."

"Well nice to see you too. Seriously dad I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 24. I was out with a...friend. I was too drunk to come home so I crashed with my friend."

"Oh so that is why Gavin said he came back to the bar and asked around only to find out you left with some random guy?"

"I never said my friend wasn't a guy and dad even if he was more than a friend I'm an adult and can decide who I spend time with."

Zeke sighed in frustration. "It's not that Remy I know you can be with whoever, but you didn't even know this guy. For all you know he could have been some killer."

"I know dad but I was careful I even sent Sara my location through the ride-share app. Didn't you get it Sara?" Remy said.

Sara shrugged. "I never got anything from you Remy."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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