The Unknowns

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All mistakes are my own. If you see any mistakes feel free to let me know and I will fix them.

"Forget what you know, it's all a lie. Nothing is what it appears to be. Look harder and you will see the truth." Those words forever haunt her. She would hear these words at thirteen and they would forever taunt her. They would remind her She would never be normal. Never accepted.

"Damn it! I got matched to Mexico; I hate the heat." Whined Sara. She pushed her dark curly hair over her shoulder and sighed. "What did you get Remy?"

"I got Florida on the east coast." Remy wanted to locate to New Orleans, Louisiana, so she could be close to her Grandmere. It wasn't as if there were many Fae to begin with, last heard they were in the 400,000 range globally. Only the board of Unknowns knew they existed. If anyone else asked they are an elite CIA team. We even have the credentials to prove it.

"Too bad we couldn't be together." Sara said.

"You know that is never gonna happen. There aren't enough necromancer's. As it is we are lucky that there is enough to spread out. It says here They can recruit me to work in the South East,

France, and Africa. I guess Creole has its privileges."

"True. We both know I got Mexico due to speaking fluent Spanish. Still I hate the heat."She laughed at that. Sara has lived in the South like Remy her entire life. You would think the

heat wouldn't bother her by now; guess she was wrong.

"Sara we both thought we would never make it. Even in the Fae world we necromancers are the low of the low. After my first year of Fae school I didn't even know if I wanted to continue as Fae, but look at us both now. We graduated top of our class at the academy, and now most fear our


"You mean most fear your powers after you melted off Aquarius' hair your first day.""Well that was an accident, but I got a nasty scar thanks to my lovely step cousin. No one even knew I had the sub power." Remy said ill-at-ease rubbing the scar on her right tanned shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring that up I know its a sore subject. But hey she got her comeuppance in the end. The council made sure of that."

"Yeah I know, but all she got is void powers and a vacation to Oklahoma. Not much of a punishment if you ask me."

"I know, but if you grew up with her you would know that is her worst nightmare." Sara said pushing her thick black frames up her tawny face, smooth like a sun stone without a blemish in sight.

Remy knew she would bear the scar of that vindictive fire starter forever. Etched forever is the word IMPURE. That night would forever haunt Remy. When Aquarius and her friends held her down and Aquarius etched that word into her. Scars are forever whether they are visible or

invisible and she had both in spades.

The wind picked up pulling her long strands over her left shoulder. She grabbed her long thick ebony hair and pulled it into a temporary ponytail. The weather is starting to turn cool. As the wind reached its peak Remy felt a chill envelop her entire body. She shivered as she pulled her soft blue scarf around her neck to keep the chill away. Remy would be glad to leave the city of Chicago behind. The people of this city could have their cold weather. she much preferred the warm climate of home.

"Come on let's get out of here we only have two days left of freedom before duty calls. Let's go to the Slippery Slope It is always a good time there!" Remy said with enthusiasm.

"Come on Remy I'm tired. Graduation took a lot out of me.""Awe don't leave me hanging. Tell you what I will even pay for a ride share there and back. No

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