Not Chibis, Sorry

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Eheheh, I went from chibis to anime. Yeah. Sorry. I'm still drawing them, though, but there's gonna be a lot of anime. As always, I'm taking requests, so fire at meh.

What today's actual title should be?
CatsCatsCatsAndCats First Fan Art!

Yup. As mentioned in my announcements, I've been drawing characters from different anime's! So far, I've drawn at least one character from the following anime: Fairy Tail (duh), Kakegurui, and BNHA! I'm in the process of drawing someone from a fan fiction. . . I think that some of you can guess who. Anyway, cue the picture!

Description: It always comes first. Yeah, sorry bout that guys. . . But this is the beginning kickoff for another drawing series! So far I have chibis, random doodles, people, and my largest category . . . Old A*s Art. This series shall be titled Anime!. With an exclamation point. So, the first character I have here is . . . .

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. . . Juvia! This one was my first, drawn on the 17th of January! Well, I guess that ends it. As always, I'm taking requests for both chibis and anime, so fire at me! Don't actually shoot me, though. I don't think I can draw that way. Anyhow, thanks for listening and See Y'all Later. Bye! This was really short. . .

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