Chapter 2 Wake up

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"wake up, wake up," Danny whispers as she's texting Lilly, as she's sat outside her house. The house is in the middle of a dense forest full of old oak trees. The house is a house that Lilly had made her self when she was sick of living with her emotionally abusing mum. Ding. Danny snaps her head down to her phone. "doors open" the text from the contact "Leo" which has the heart emoji next to it. Danny smiles at the text and takes the keys out of her bike.

She takes a second to look at the keyrings on her keys which consist of a lanyard from a drum company Leo got her drum kit from, a small key painted to look like a guitar the key for Leo's house, a small dancer Leo got her when it was her 17th birthday after that they went to her favourite restaurant, McDonald's. then there was a small tag that says, Danelle. Abruptly tears stream down her face, chase got her this. She hated him for it, it was a dog tag that cost under £5 but she still put it on her keys. Danny pulls the tag off and chucks it on the ground. She enters the warm house.

[Danny's POV]

I walk in. Leo sat on the sofa, drumstick in hand. I often came home (well to Leos house) to this, this was the norm. She had something playing on the screen and the controller in her lap, it was a cutscene in her game. Here's something to know Leo loves video games she plays them all day when she's not at work. Its crazy how much she plays video games, she has a massive shelf just full of games.

"you just gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna give me a hug?"

"well just cut off my thinking" I laugh. I walk over to her sofa which is covered in blankets. I go in for a hug and just as I reach in-

"ROOF" Leos dog jumps out.

"Chester, come on now" I pet Chester on the head. Chester looks like such an aggressive dog but he's just a huge cinnamon roll. Hmm, cinnamon rolls. I lay down and hug Leo. (A/N the picture above is Leo's dog)

"can I stay here for a while?" I ask Leo

"you could move in here if you wanted to" Leo answers me. Tears start falling down my cheeks.

"did I say something?!" Leo asked panicked

"no, I just... ill talk about it in the morning. I fall asleep on the sofa in Leos' arms.

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