"I'm hurt, Colleen," Niall laughs, "So much for being best friends." Andrea slaps his arm. "Ow! Whatcha do that for?!" She just shakes her head.

"So who's the Godmother?"

"I hope it's me." My eyes widen as I see my sister standing in the doorway with her husband, Eric; their hands wrapped around her baby bump, and their three year old daughter. Catherine is my only sister, and she is three years older than me.

"Catherine!" I yell. "But? How? You’re here! And pregnant again!”

"I’m here,” she smiles, “And I’m pregnant again. I wanted to wait to get here to show you. Harry set everything up. And it looks like I got here just in time too," she smiles at Harry.

"We didn't think you'd go into labor this early. At least, not for a few more days," Harry speaks kissing the top of my head. "I called her knowing she was almost here."

"Are mom and dad here?"

"They'll be coming in a few days." Harry really had this planned.

The next to step into the room are Harry's mom, sister and step dad. Everyone circles around us; Louis not giving up Diana. My sister laughs when we tell her our baby's name. She didn't even have to ask where we got the name. Hey, if it was a boy it would have been Timothy, my favorite male superhero.

"Dads going to love you for that one," Catherine says. "So, am I going to be the Godmother or what?"

Everyone laughs. "Of course," says Harry. "Gemma, you'll be the next one."

She laughs, "Why am I not this time?"

"Because she's the one who had to carry the baby for nine months," Harry pulls me into him.

Louis speaks, "Sooooo, you all owe me," taking his attention away from Diana for the first time.

"For what?!" I ask.

"What? Did you not expect us to make bets on the gender?" he laughs.

"Making bets on my child before she was even born," I shake my head. "For that, I want her back." Louis happily hands her over. After realizing Harry hasn’t gotten to hold her yet, I let him. I wanted a boy. Harry wanted a girl. I knew I would luck out; but seeing how happy he is makes everything perfect. "So who won other than Lou?" I ask.

"I did!" Andrea replies.

"Me too!" Zayn adds.

Hours have passed and the room is nearly cleared out. Louis, Eleanor, Catherine and Eric are still here. Louis can't get enough of Diana. El stays with me while all that are left talk in the hallway. Eleanor finally has her turn holding my new born baby girl. "I can't wait to have a child," she smiles at Diana.

"Louis will make a great father," I say.

"I know," she laughs. "I still can't believe you're the first to have one." I'm still not sure how it happened. The guys have finally settled down, but it seems that Harry and I were the only ones were settled enough to get pregnant; other than Zayn and Perrie.

"It'll happen. I can feel it," I pause, "In my belly." As the two of us begin to laugh hysterically the guys look back at us as Catherine and Eric leave.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Colleen," Louis says. "And you too," he baby talks Diana once more.

"How do you feel?" Harry asks once we have the room to ourselves.

"Exhausted," I laugh holding Diana closer to me.

"Why don't you get some rest."

"I want to look at her for the rest of my life." He laughs sitting next to us on the bed.

"She really does look like you."

"Yes, but she has your eyes," I look into his. "And your nose," I bop his nose.

"Then she'll be the prettiest girl in the world," he laughs as he starts to run his thumb over her forehead. "Next to you, of course."

"No. She'll be absolutely gorgeous."

"I know she will be." Harry and I look up from Diana into each other's eyes. He leans in to kiss me; the first time in the last twelve hours or so.

"Gets some sleep," he demands softly taking Diana from me.

"And what about you?"

"I'm a dad now; I need as much time with her before she rebels." The two of us laugh. It's near three am as I’m settling into my bed while Harry sits in the rocking chair next to the bed; and Diana in his arms. "Oh I will carry you over fire and water for your love. And I will hold you closer. Hope your heart is strong enough when the night is coming down on you. We will find a way through the dark." I look down at my wrist that still holds the gold bracelet Harry gave me the night we officially became a couple. It seems that this song will no longer be mine; but now mine and Diana's. I never thought I would have a child one day. I fall asleep listening to him sooth our daughter knowing that I wouldn't want anything different.

Again, thanks to everyone who has read. I am working on a sequel, but I'm not sure when I'll finish writing it. Also, I can't think of a title for it because I don't want it to be "Personal Experience: the Sequel." I need an actual title!

Personal Experienceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن