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I felt something nasty and slimy on my face making me open my eyes

Jr was staring at me smiling with snot all on his hands

"eww! Sincere why the fuck are you sitting there letting him put snot all on my face" i snapped jumping out the bed

"You wouldn't wake up so i let him wake you" he said

"That's disgusting your disgusting y'all both fucking disgusting" i said pointing at both of them

i grabbed a towel and went in the bathroom to take a shower because that just made me feel so dirty

After i got out the shower i went back into the room and got dressed

Sincere was staring at me as i got dressed making me stare back & mug him

"Your baby bump starting to show" he said

I looked down then looked up at him and smiled "yea finally"

"Ima go get in the shower now" he said getting up from the bed

"You need help?" I asked as I put my shirt and jeans on

"nah i got- sure" he said smirking

I side eyed him for a while "your nasty ass don't need no help" i said

He laughed and walked into the bathroom taking a towel with him

After i was fully dressed i grabbed Jr off the bed and went to the kitchen

I got his baby stuff out and started to make him a bottle and he sat on the counter watching me

I can't believe i'm taking care of that girl baby

At one point i was planning to kill this lil nigga

After i finished i took him off the counter and sat him on the couch and laid him back so he can drink the bottle

Then i grabbed the remote and turned on some cartoons for him

I sat on the couch and waited for him to finish his bottle and for Sincere to get out the shower so i can put Jr in the bath

A few minutes later Sincere came into the living room fully dressed

"Ima go wash him" i told Sincere as i picked Jr up

"Ok then he gone go with his momma and we gone go see them houses" he told me

"Ok" i replied walking to the bedroom

I put Jr on the bed and grabbed his towel wash cloth diaper lotion and his outfit for today

I put pillows around him so he wouldn't roll off the bed while i went to turn on the water for his bath

Then i got him, brung him into the bathroom and took off his diaper off and put him in the bath

After i washed him i took him back in the room and got him dressed

I put all his stuff he came with back in his baby bag and put his coat on

"Ready?" Sincere asked walking into the room

"Yea" i replied putting Jr in his carseat and grabbing his bag & my stuff then walking out the room

"Tee you don't need to be carrying him" Sincere said grabbing the carseat

I shrugged and we all walked out the door

We went to the car and got inside

"You sure you can drive now?" I asked sincere as i put my seatbelt on

HIS LIL' BABYWhere stories live. Discover now