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The grass was a greenish yellow, and tall. It came up to my waist, but as I walked closer to the water it grew shorter. There was a nearby tree that I climbed. I wasn't alone.
"Who's there?" I asked the grass, I got a small squeaking sound in response.
A yellow animal with black spots walked to the water in the lake and sat at the water's edge. The cheetah was calm and had a small red collar around its neck. I slowly climbed down from the tree and walked toward the cheetah. It was skittish and quick; he stayed just out of arm's reach. There was a name on the collar.
"Hello, Jason," I said softly.
Jason looked at me and slowly let me pet his head; he was soft and sweet, "If you're facing down a dark hall, I'll grab my light and go with you," Jason said.

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