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"Good morning," my attendant said, waking me, "Today is the day," I insisted that she talk to me instead of writing.
"Thank you," I said, "Is he already in the dining hall?" she nodded, "please tell him that I'll be there in a minute," she bowed and left.
I got out of bed and found red robes on my dresser. It was happening. They all bought it. In a few hours they will realize that the highest position has been infiltrated.
"Good morning," Keons said.
"Hello," I sat next to him.
"I am glad to see that the robes fit you well."
I grinned, "Is everything in place?"
"There is one last thing I need to tell you," he said, "Your father will be seeing you today."
I tried to look surprised, "I thought he couldn't come back without punishment."
"Normally, yes, but I have decided to make an exception for today. Maybe this will help him realize his mistakes, and he can be forgiven."
"That is very kind of you."
"I must go find him. All of the preparations are in order," he got up and left.
It felt weird wearing the robes. I was taking his place as Bishop only to destroy the fragile system. It's like the glass in the lights. It's thin and fragile, easily broken. The people are the neon, being shaped into the form of the glass. I'm going to break it. I'm in the glass, and there's a hole. The walls will crumble and the true light will shine through, bringing real happiness and safety.
I climbed the stairs to the tower. No one questioned me; they all believe that I am Keons. No one was there, but the singing was. It was the same melody over and over. The closer I came, the clearer the words. I've heard it before. The song was beautiful and quiet. It was calming for me, like a lullabye. Yes, it was the lullabye my mother sang to me. It was her sweet voice that I hear.

Now the night is coming to an end
The sun will rise and we will try again

Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die

I will fear the night again
I hope I'm not my only friend

Stay alive, stay alive for me
You will die, but now your life is free
Take pride in what is sure to die

It was coming from the smallest room and it was guarded by a Doorkeeper. I instructed for the door to be opened and it did. She was staring out the window, singing that song softly. She didn't turn her head, but she stopped singing.
"If you're going to tell me to stop, know I won't," she said, like it was rehearsed.
"I was going to ask you to continue," I said honestly, she looked at me, "I've heard you sing that song every day for my whole life," I said, "and I'm glad to meet you again."
"Who are you?" her voice was soft.
"It's been a while, but you've met me before. Come with me," I said.
She stood up; she was nervous, but followed. The Doorkeeper began to grab her, but I waved him away. I began to lead her to the tunnel out of the city.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"J-Jenna," she said.
I nodded, "Tyler's wife?"
She was speechless, "I thought no one could mention him again... or me."
"He's been trying to get you out this whole time. By the time the sun sets, you'll be with him again."
"Really? Who are you? What have you done to him?" she began to accuse me, then stopped, "How do you know what the sun is? Who are you?"
"You'll find out soon enough," I said, "but it's best if I don't tell you for now."
"What have you done with Tyler?" she said, stopping, "and my baby girl."
"Listen," I stopped, "we don't have a lot of time. He's outside the city; he has been all this time. Your child," I smiled a little, "is closer than you think," I took her hand and led her to the tunnel, "You know what lies outside the city, right?"
"I, umm..."
"It's okay, you can tell me."
"Nothing but Tyler, I guess. You and the rest of your kind have probably killed everyone else by now."
"My kind?"
"You're one of the nine Bishops."
"Oh," I forgot what I was wearing, "right. My kind," I giggled a little.
"What you do to innocent people is not funny!"
"I hate keeping this from you, Jenna, I really do," I said, "but it's really the best thing to do."
"If you're trying to get me to lead you to Tyler, it won't work. I don't know where he is," Jenna said.
We were at the tunnel. I felt the warmth of the torches, but didn't see them. Had Josh forgot about our plan? It's not like him.
"Who are you?" Jenna said, looking down the tunnel.
"There's no one there," I said.
"You can't see that man?" Jenna asked.
"There's no one here but us."
Jenna walked down the tunnel. She was talking to the air, but she saw a person. I could feel the warmth of the torches, but I couldn't see it. I removed the hood on the robe and Josh was standing there, talking to Jenna, holding a torch.
"Josh!" I exclaimed, "Where did you come from?"
"I've been here the whole time," Josh said.
"Get her to the camp," I said, shaking my head, "Is Tyler ready?"
Jenna gasped, Josh held her hand, "Tyler's with Keons, heading this way. We'll be ready."
"Good," I said, "see you inside," I turned back to the city.

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