Tony Stark's Potentiality Scanning System

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Stiles glanced at his watch, twiddling his double ring nervously. It wasn't everyday that you get to meet one of your idols. It was definitely not every day that the aforementioned idol was late because they were busy possibly fighting for the life of the whole city, possibly the world.

Stiles sipped at his Starbucks frappuccino and frowned. He was supposed to meet him about 20 minutes ago now and the shop across the street had a TV with a cheering (and occasionally wincing and yelling in frustration) crowd around it that pointed to the person he was meant to be meeting with, his idol, was fighting someone.

It was, of course, because his idol was one Doctor Strange who was in charge of the New York institute (?) and very much associated with the avengers and the recently discovered guardians of the galaxy as well as S.H.I.E.L.D which Stiles had heard rumors of reforming after the whole Hydra end of the road shit show.

He had figured that the Doctor and master of Mystic arts was fighting someone or something because generally the shops with TVs only got excitable crowds when something involving superheroes (or vigilantes) was airing live. Considering Doctor Strange was often involved in that and currently missing, Stiles had put the dots together.

Of course, he might have just forgotten about this meeting.

Stiles preferred not to think about that. He had to be fighting aliens or like Dormamu (again) or something.

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair. He'd probably just forgotten and Stiles was grasping at straws and deluding himself. Or maybe he'd been pranked and the phonecall and emails he'd received had all been an elaborate prank. It couldn't be a trap as he would've been ambushed by now.

The crowd across the street gave a huge cheer and some people started to randomly hug each other. Stiles winced, awkwardness. One guy who had been on the receiving end of a celebratory hug started yelling about how these 'superheroes' should be in prison and, oh dear, this really wasn't the right place to be. There could be a fight. He'd seen quite a few of those.

Stiles examined his watch, Strange was 40 minutes late now if he was coming. He sighed and went to pick up the bag he had deposited on the pavement due to an aching arm.  'Stiles Stilinski?'

His head snapped up and okay, okay that was Doctor Stephen Strange like right next to him with vaguely smoking clothes and Stiles was now internally freaking out.

'You're late' Stiles said then promptly clamped a hand over his mouth, why did he say that? He sounded just like Derek. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to say that... I just thought you might not turn up or that I'd been pranked or I'd imagined the whole thing-'

'Didn't you see that? ' Strange raised an Eyebrow and looked towards the TV in the shop.

'Well, yes but-' Stiles wished the floor would open up and swallow him like right now. 'I didn't realise it was you. It could have been like Spiderman maybe... or deadpool perhaps...'

How to embarrass oneself in front of one's idol: Stiles Stilinski was the expert.

'I didn't look too close' Stiles admitted and studied the man on front of him- he looked just the same as he did on telly and online, down to the grey sideburns and super sharp cheekbones.

There was an excited shout and Stiles stopped gaping and turned to look at what was happening now. A few of the dispersing crowd across the street had turned and were pointing at Doctor Strange, open-mouthed (a bit like Stiles a minute ago). They hadn't started coming towards them yet but the frozen stupor would wear off soon.

'Are you coming with me or not? ' Strange enquired, raising an eyebrow having also spotted the people across the street.

'Yes, yes. Right away, totally!' Stiles babbled.

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