Shiro x Reader- Alpha

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(A/N: @TynkaTrace here you go! Sorry for the long wait. Again. Hope you like it!)

He was the head of Voltron. Voltron was the head of the Voltron Coalition. The Rebel Forces were one small part of the Coalition. There were countless positions to go through before you reached the leader of the Forces. And yet you had met the head of Voltron.

You gathered notes and documents for your leader, stacked them neatly, and turned to leave the meeting room, but bumped into something hard. You winced, and stepped back, thinking that you had walked into a wall, but you saw a black Voltron crest on that wall.

What the fu--

You looked up and came face-to-face with Shiro, the Black Paladin, the leader of Voltron.

You yelped and leaped backwards, if that was even possible. Words spilled out of your mouth. "I'm sorry, sir, I-- I didn't look where I was going, and--and I--" To your surprise, he chuckled. "No, don't worry about it. What's your name?" He looked at you expectantly, and you realized he'd asked a question and you had to answer.

"Y--Y/N, sir." Then you cursed at yourself for stuttering. He had an "alpha" sort of aura that made you want to play omega--to submit to him and follow him.

"Well, see you around, Y/N," he said, giving you a warm smile. "Oh, and you don't need to call me 'sir'. 'Shiro' is fine." Then he gently petted your head and left.

As you looked at him walk away, you thought, Jesus, was I blushing the whole time? Dammit.


The next time you came into contact with him was during a mission. Voltron and a few sections of the Rebel Forces had teamed up to intercept a major shipment of quintessence to the mothership. You'd gotten a bad feeling in your gut even before the mission began. What if it's a trap and they're just waiting to ambush us?

The feeling in your gut intensified when you came near the ship. Being the pilot of your own ship, you were able to see the Galra ship clearly. Nervously, you looked at the data on your screen. You liked reading up on your opponents, and your ship's computing capacity provided you with data to ease you. You liked knowing what was about to come. This ship's approximate mass...


I've only seen this kind of data from a battleship.

You'd always trusted your gut feelings, and they never let you down. Your eyes widened in shock and realization. Quickly, you got up from the pilot's seat and tried to run over to the comms.

"Y/N, what are you doing--" Matt tried to ask, but you shoved right past him. Voltron was the most important part of the coalition, you couldn't afford to lose them and a significant fraction of the Forces.

"GET OUT OF HERE! IT'S A TRAP!" You yelled into the microphone.

The enemy must have been listening in on your communications, for they immediately started firing at you. Countless fleets revealed themselves from behind nearby planets and nebulae. This was the perfect ambush spot, why had no one seen it earlier?

"Evasive maneuvers!" Your leader commanded. "And get in a shot whenever you can!"

But there are just too many of them and too little of us.

You looked around desperately as much as you could while dodging attacks and firing. The Blade's data had to be correct to some degree. Finally, you spotted a Galra ship above all the chaos, not firing, just trying to sneak away. Your eyes flicked over to the data on your screen, which contained the coordinates of that ship. As you resumed firing, you said, "Matt, there's ship at coordinates GKX-436-347, heading to our 3 o'clock. It's likely the shipment that they're trying to sneak past us. I need you to report it to our leader and the Black Paladin."

He didn't need to be told twice. "On it," he replied immediately.

Just as you were about to head after the shipment, a tremor rocked your entire ship. Screens turned red with alerts as alarms blared. The red lights seemed to bleed onto the walls of the ship. You were thrown out of your chair and felt something hard hit the side of your head. Disoriented, you tried to stand up but always found yourself on the floor again. Was the floor slippery? You'd always land in what seemed to be a red puddle of liquid. Maybe that was why you kept falling.

Then you blacked out.


You had one of those 'falling' dreams again, only this time you didn't wake up in your bed. Something cold and metallic, paired with what seemed to be warm and human caught you. You opened your eyes and blinked rapidly to get used to the sudden light. Squinting, you looked up to see what had caught you.

"Are you okay?" A warm, familiar voice drifted into your ears.

The metal arm, the scar, the white streak of hair, the voice.

You immediately perked up once you realized you were in the presence of the alpha. "S--Sir!" Then you immediately corrected yourself once you recalled what he'd said the last time you met. "I mean, Shiro. Where am I?"

He sat you down on the floor and answered. "The Castle of Lions. You hit your head during the mission and we had to put you in a cryopod immediately, which only we have. Do you feel any pain?" He asked, concern like a screen over his eyes. "Do you remember what happened? Do you need anything?"

You would have laughed if not for the situation right now, namely the leader of Voltron being right in front of you, fussing over you, and you remembered once again that you had to answer. "Water, please," you croaked out weakly.

It was almost hilarious seeing him scurry out of the room and back just for a glass of water. He held the cup to your lips and tipped it so you could drink. He didn't stop until the cup was empty and you were satisfied.

Then he seated himself beside you, cup forgotten at his side. "So..." He started, tapping his fingers on the floor and awkwardly pressing his lips into a thin line. "We have time. Wanna talk?"

Immediately, you smiled, though it hurt your cracked lips to do so, and nodded. "That would be great."

And that was just how your relationship with Shiro began.

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