Proving my Powers

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I woke up in my own bed. Back here. I looked at my body. All whole again. This time, I had died by an attack of coons. Something only could happen to me. I sighed. I couldn't do this anymore. How could I prove to Coons&Friends that my powers are real?

I got up and putted on my Orange Parka. I made my way to the bus stop where I Mixed myself in the useless conversation that the boys where having. 

"You'll don't remember. Do you?"I mumbled. 

"Remember what, Kenny?"Kyle said, his hands in his pockets.  I sighed again. "Kenny? What is wrong? Yesterday you just ran off. Is something wrong?"Kyle putted his hand on my shoulder. 

"I did not just ran off" I said, a little upset. 

"Dude"Stan jumped in. "You did"

"No! I died! I got attacked in the forest by coons, while we were looking for Cartman!"

"Dude, it wasn't me! Shut up Kenny it was The Coon!" Cartman yelled.  This was useless. They didn't believe me. They never do.

"Ken, you ran off. You always say you die, but...You don't. You take this superhero thing a little far. We all don't really have superpowers, it's okay"Stan really did not believe me. I had to prove it to them, I don't know how yet. 

I yelled and crossed my arms. Useless, useless. "I will prove it to you'll! I. Die. Every. Fucking. Time. We . Go. Do. Something!"

"Wow, Kenny. Okay you're right Geezz" Eric backed off as the school bus arrived. We all got on and sat in the back of the bus.

After school at Eric's house

They where all here. Mintberry Crunch(Bradley), Iron Maiden(Timmy), Mosquito(Clyde), Tupperwear(Token), Toolshed(Stan), The Human Kite(Kyle) and even The Coon(Eric). I was wearing my Mysterion outfit too.

"Mysterion, what is going on?"Eric said irritated.

"Today, will be the day, that all of you find out the truth once and for all" I said in my deep voice.

"What?"Stan said.

"Are you talking about your power again?"Kyle face-palmed.

 "Come on you guys, play along" I packed out the stuff I had collected. "Did you'll bring the stuff I asked you to bring?"

They all nodded and gave me there bags. "Okay. There already is a camera in my bedroom at home. Now, let's finish this mystery once and for all" I set up the equipment(Do you write it like that?)

I stood in front of a camera, I grinned. This should be it.

"Mysterion, what is the plan?"Stan asked.

"Well, the camera's are going to record all of this, and hopefully I will finally get answers"I answered, still grinning.  "Toolshed, Human Kite need you in this video too. Just stand over there please" They got beside me while I pulled my gun out of my pocket. 

The boys screamed softly. "Dude Kenny!"Kyle yelled.

"You want to do it? Mosquito, start recording" I offered the gun to Kyle.

"Kenny have you gone crazy!?"Stan yelled. 

"T-t-the c-c-camera is on, K-K-Kenny"Clyde said a little hesitating(no idea how to spell that) 

I loaded the gun and put it next to my head. Shooting myself once again.

South park (Kenny x Stan/Kyle x Butters)Where stories live. Discover now