Samantha : who is that she laughs.

that my x-girlfriend I say.

Riley : and my Sister she says grumpily.

James : do you dance he asks Samantha.

Samantha : I used to before I moved but I would like to go to another studio.

West : then why don't you.

Samantha : I went into the dance studio that you and Daniel all go to and I have to wait for the next auditions.

Riley : they will be after nationals.

Samantha : whens Nationals.

Daniel : in 3 weeks.

Samantha : so it's not that far off.

we get to the cinema and we are all deciding what to watch.

Riley : Hunger Games.

James : No, you watch that all the time.

Samantha : what about Frozen.

West : yeah I've seen that before and it's amazing.

Daniel : Isn't that movie for 7 year olds.

So I say

* the next day *

Michelle's POV

I wake up and I have got a text.

Eldon : hey I will pick you up on the way to dance.

I have a shower and I put on my dance clothes. I brush my hair and Teeth. Then I put on some make up and grab my Nike trainers. I look in the mirror I look massive well I surpose there are two people in there.

Suddenly I hear someone beep their car horn. I look out of the window and I see Eldon in his car. I run out of the house and I get in.

When we get to the studio and I sit on the bench next to Beth and Ella and i watch  everyone do the nationals routine.

Kate : can I see your solo Eldon. but first Michelle has an announcement to make.

Um, as some people already know but I am pregnant and that is the real reason why I have not been dancing and yesterday I found out I have twins a girl and a boy. So unfortunately i cannot do nationals so West will definitely be doing it plus Daniel will be replacing Beth as she has broken her leg.

Emily suddenly appears out of the corner.

Emily : OMG! your pregnant. wow. well I have an announcement too. as most of you know me and Hunter have split up and the reason is...


Beth : don't listen to her it's a lie.

Emily : You little snitch Emily shouts and goes for Beth just as West stops her.

Kate : well if we can all calm down she says glaring at Emily cus we don't want some people to get cut from the nationals team. so thanks Michelle for you announcement.

right Eldon can you show us your solo.

Eldon preforms his solo followed by Stephanie's solo.

Kate : right can Emily and Hunter preform their duet.

Emily : no way am I performing with him she says.

Kate : well ok Gizelle as you are the understdy girl for the duet can you take over.

Emily : thats not fair he should get kicked out.

Kate : Emily you are the one who won't perform with Hunter so he can stay since he would preform with you.

I have to admit Gizelle isn't as good as Emily but--

* the next day *

Riley's POV

I wake up and I suddenly stop. oh no. it's Chloe's birthday today. I reach to my box which is full of an emergency stash of birthday presents. she is 21 today. I grab an MP3 player.

Mum I shout where is the wrapping paper.

Mum : in Emily's room.

I went into her room and grabbed some blue polka dot wrapping paper

I ran back to my own room and wrapped up the MP3 player. I have just got a text.

James : I'm picking you up for dance.

I look at my clock I have 10 minutes. I get in the shower put my contact lenses in and did my make up I put on my dance clothes and I roll up my left side of my shorts.

I look in the mirror and I wonder what to do with my hair. I think I am going to go to the hairdressers tonight and I am gonna dye the ends of my hair a very dark brown. I straighten my hair and I go into the kitchen. I have a bowl of cereal. i put the present, a bottle of water and a change of clothes in my dance bag and I walk outside and sit on the edge of the

James where have you been?

James : sorry I got a bit held up.

I get in the car and I see James's little sister.

is that what held you up I say

he nods.

we get to the studio and I carry James's sister into the studio.

Kate : we were just about to start quickly strech.

I gave James's sister to Michelle who was sat on the bench and we joined in with the routine.

Michelle's POV

I am about 4 months pregnant and I suddenly feel a sharp pain and I feel sick. I scream.

Eldon : Michelle are you ok?

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