1 One-Shot; Why Even Ask?

Start from the beginning

"No, nothing yet. I'm starting to fear for the worst..." He got his change and headed for the door. I nodded as he left, checking out my items and heading home.

My mom looked up as I entered with wide eyes, scanning my profile. I held up the bag of food to show her and she nodded, leaving the room to probably head to Inko's house and comfort her. She was always there, since she was the only one who could talk her into eating and sleeping.

I ate in silence, scrolling through Yeah Tube and watching a few things I found interesting. Nothing seemed to be keeping me busy recently. It's like everything lost its purpose in my life.

I threw my bowl in the sink and headed upstairs, preparing for another sleepless night.

I couldn't figure out why I couldn't sleep. Something inside me just felt broken. Either way, I had to try to at least rest, so I changed, turned the lights off, and got under the covers, for some reason able to drift off a little. Eventually I fell asleep to the sound of the night wind through my window. Hadn't I closed that?

-Time skip brought to you by the question of whether or not you're even still reading my crap XD-

I awoke to the best rest I'd had in a while. I held something warm close, my face buried in cloth as it rose and fell. Breathing. It was so... soothing. Wait... breathing?

I quickly but carefully pulled away, my eyes wide and teary as I looked at the precious boy lying peacefully in a deep sleep.

My body acted on it own and moved close again, holding tight to the frail figure in its arms.

He felt like he hadn't eaten in weeks, and he looked just as tired. His soft green hair was dirty and had blood in some places. I realized with a pained shiver that he had bruises, scratches, chain rubs, and whip marks covering his body.

I held him tightly but gently. He was safe, and that's what mattered most. His breathing started to turn less deep after about an hour passed, but I continued to hold him to my chest, my face pressed to his shirt just as I had woken up.

He seemed almost confused for a moment, then he stiffened, trying to scramble away. I frowned, but allowed him to jump off the bed and press himself into the corner as his breathes quickened, his eyes squeezed shut tightly.

"Please! Don't hurt me! I'll do what you want! I can't take it anymore!" He cried, shaking as he pulled himself tightly into the corner, tears streaming down his face.

I got up slowly as to not startle him more and walked over, trying not to scare him further.

He tried to shove himself into the corner, not looking at me. I squatted in front of him and he looked terrified. I reached out, scared of his reaction.

I lightly caressed his cheek and he winced but didn't seem to resist.

"Deku..." He froze.

"What's wrong? How did you get here? What happened?" I whispered, more to myself than him.

I cautiously pressed my other hand to his shoulder, careful not to hurt him.

"K...Kachan?" He asked tentatively, not opening his eyes. I nodded, then realizing he wouldn't see the small gesture.

"Yeah, it's me. Your safe, Dek--" I was cut off by him suddenly yanking me into a tight hug, crying on my shoulder. I was shocked for a moment, but soon returned the gesture gingerly.

"Is it really you? How did you get here? Are you okay? Did they hurt you, too? Am I just hugging Toga right now? Please tell me I'm not, I want this to be real..." I stopped his rambling questions with a hush.

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