A Fortunate yet Unfortunate beginnings and delicious cupcakes

Start from the beginning

Violet smiled in comfort at her.

"We are doing well so far. My name is Violet.Thank you for your concern Selena." She said. I knew from this moment they would be close because of their similar personalities.

"Hello!" Sunny said in her gibberish that other people except me or Violet wouldn't understand.

"Hello there little one you must be Sunny i presume." she says lightly tickling Sunny's foot making her giggle happily.

"You understand her?" I asked openly surprised. This is because not many people understand Sunny. She turned to me smiling lightly at my confused expression.

"If you listen closely you'll get at better understanding at what babies are saying. I used to be a babysitter for my friends little brother so i got a better understanding. You must be Klaus i presume?" She said tilting her head to the side in a suggestive way.

I couldn't help but admire her for a second before snapping out of my thoughts blushing slightly.

"Yes that's my name, nice to meet you." I said shyly before turning the conversation to a very impressed Justice Strauss," Are you Count Olaf's wife?" I said praying that she's our new guardian.

She looked suprised before shaking her head no," Oh goodness no, he lives over there." She said apologetically.

In unison we turned to see a broken down house with dusty windows, an uncut lawn and what looked like rotting wood barely protecting the house. My siblings and i shared a look of discomfort and worry before turning to an apologetic Selena and Ms.Strauss looking a tad bit disappointed.

"Oh but don't worry children I'm sure he will be a suitable parent. Even if I haven't really met the man before." She said trying to ease the slight tension that had formed from our worry.

"Now that I think of it guess what, I had bought things from the store, a tool kit and some food. Selena you should have been there with me because I had bought a big baguette and forgot the buy a bread cutter to cut it into nice thin pieces. Oh-"she had now started to ramble about a different topic while Selena looked amused by her aunts banter. Violet decided to step in at that moment.

" There's no need to worry Justice Strauss. My sister here has a sharp set of teeth and we wouldn't mind stopping by to help."she said kindly.
Justice Strauss was surprised yet intrigued by her offer.

"Oh that would be wonderful." She responded enthusiastically, " you can stop by house any time if you want. Selena gets bored at the house sometimes and I sure could use an extra set of hands."

"Before i forget have these cupcakes before you go. Just to ease your nerves.
I've never talked to Count Olaf before but I will visit when i can to check up on you guys." Selena said reassuringly before dissapearing inside to grab the cupcakes.

I don't know what to expect from Count Olaf but I hope we will be fine.

She came back with four freshly baked red velvet cupcakes.

"I don't think we baked enough for Count Olaf but i don't think he would mind. Here." She said handing one to me then Violet and Mr. Poe.

"Sunny can eat this right?I don't want to give her anything bad." She questioned Violet.

"No she likes to eat tough things, but i think she won't mind this once." Violet responded.

Selena gave Sunny a cupcake which she bit into immediately humming in delight.

"Thank u."Sunny said smiling cheekily with icing still on her face.

I nodded appreciatively to Selena.
Mr. Poe bid them good day before we crossed the street to Count Olaf's house.

A More Fortunate Series Of Events (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now