Ch.2: That moment

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This chapter is when Lumine realized he was in love with Kody. And when he finally accepted it. Which like in the last chapter he said was a year later when he turned 15. He was 14 when he developed the crush. Ok, on with the story.
                              Lumine's pov
  Everytime I went near Kody I felt butterflies. Every time he spoke my heart would flutter. Everytime Kody looked at me I blushed. Everytime he would leave I would feel sad. Everytime I was alone with Kody I had fantasies. I had fantasies of what it would be like to kiss him. I would always push those thoughts away though. I don't like the fact I felt this way about a boy. Especially Kody. He was cruel and unbearable to be around. So, why do I feel this was about him? No! It's probably nothing. It's probably just the anger I felt since he was so cruel to me. Well, he was a little nicer. When he treated me good I couldn't help but notice how cute he was. When he treated me badly I felt like an idiot for thinking these horrible inappropriate things.
   " I hate you!" I yelled. I always said that to Kody. Everytime I saw him. He made me sick. But he also made me feel special. He opened up to me a few times saying he trusted me. I was happy he did trust me and also tell me things he never told Aiden. Yet, I still yelled I hate you. I thought if I yelled it enough times I wouldn't think of Kody in such a weird way.
I guess 1,000 times of saying I hate you wasn't enough.
    Time skip to when he was 15
I gave up. I stopped saying I hate you to Kody. I cried and cried and apologized. Kody forgave me. He forgave me! It took a year to accept it. A year! I finally stopped trying to push my feelings away and accepted the fact I had a crush on Kody. It of course was weird at first. I had to get used of...Having a crush on another boy. Well, who wouldn't? It was awkward. I lived with my crush, my crush was a another boy, and my crush didn't even think of me as family. Which is probably a good thing. I don't wanna get family zoned, do I? I was still not used to getting a fluttery feeling in my chest everytime Kody called my name. Or hugged me. Or even looked at me. He knew something was up. But, he didn't know what it was. I felt like talking to someone though. I..Felt alone and I needed to get it off my chest. So, I told Elijah. He was cool with it since he liked guys too. He even had a boyfriend! His name was Evan. Elijah and I became better friends and sometimes wed watch Yuri on ice together and fanboy about how cute Yuri and Viktor were together.
I'd even call him " Viktor the Russian gay boi" which was apparently funny since Elijah almost died from laughing. But, one day Kody asked me why I was hanging out with Elijah so much. I had told him we were just friends but he told me
" Elijah likes boys. What if he likes you? Are you not worried?" I got a little to over dramatic. And ended up yelling.
" You...Like boys? Don't you?" Kody had asked me.
" No! I just don't have a problem with it!" It was a pretty stupid answer. But, after that I went in my room. It took a week before I broke down and started apologizing. Kody said he should be the one sorry and said he didn't mean to offend anyone. It was hard at first. But, our relationship got better and that moment was nothing but a faded memory.

Im sorry this is short and the ending is sucky but this was only a flashback. And so I didn't want to confuse you guy's. Next chapter will be 1,000+ words like last time. That's all for now! Bye my little Wolf pups!!!

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