You and Me: Part 11

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Daniel's POV-

Y/n was lying unconscious on the floor. I got on my knees and cradled her. I didn't know what to do. Seeing her little face covered in blood made me so angry.

My phone rang, it was Jonah.

*Phone Call*

Jonah: "Did you find her? We need to leave."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I felt tears running down my face.

Jonah: "Daniel?"
Daniel: "Yeah, I-I found her but..."
Jonah: "But what, Daniel?"
Daniel: "Ben got to her... he was here and he.."
Jonah: "He What Daniel? What did he do?"
Daniel: "She looks really bad, I need you guys to come here."
Jonah: "What do you mean she looks really bad?"
Daniel: "Just come here, make sure Reese and Svea don't come."
Jonah: "Why not Daniel, what's going on?"
Daniel: "Just get to the janitors closet on the left wing, and hurry."

*End of phone call*

I pulled Y/n close to me. She was still bleeding. I kissed her forehead.

Daniel: "Please Y/n, just hold on for a bit baby, ok?"

The boys came down the corridor.

Corbyn: "Jesus Christ..."
Zach: "Oh my god."
Jack: "Is she alive?"
Jonah: "Get Christina, she knows medicine, right?"

Corbyn ran Christina and she came down.

Christina: "OH MY GOD."
Jonah: "Look, we need to get her back on the bus."

Corbyn walked past me and picked up Y/n. He kissed her forehead. He wrapped her up in his coat and brought her to the tourbus. Christina, Jack and Zach followed.

Jonah: "Daniel, you coming?"

I didn't move. All I could think about was Y/n. My head was spinning.

Jonah: "We're gonna look after her Dani. I know it's hard."
Daniel: "I love her. So much. I can't lose her."

Y/n's POV-

I started to come around again. I was in someone's arms. We were moving, my head was pounding. I felt like I had been hit by a truck.

My vision started to come back, but it hurt to open my eyes. I was still being carried, I looked up and recognised the face.

Y/n: "Corbyn?"

I meant to speak properly, but it came out more of a groggy, half-spoken, whisper.

Corbyn: "Guys, she's waking up.."
Y/n: "Corbyn, what happened?"

I felt my head, I felt blood. It was running down my hands, dripping off my whole body, it was in my hair.

Y/n: "Corbyn, why is it in my hair? What happened to me?"

I got scared. I cried. Corbyn held me closer to him.

I was in an out of consciousness until we got to the bus. It was a big blur.

Daniel's POV-

Corbyn carries Y/n to the bus. He said that she started to wake up but when I got to her in the tour bus she wasn't awake.

She was still bleeding. Mainly from her stomach. Zach and Jack took Svea and Reese to their bunks and made sure they stayed away from Y/n. We had to keep this a secret.

Corbyn: "We need to call someone, get an ambulance or something."
Daniel: "No."
Jonah: "Look at her Daniel! We need to!"
Daniel: "Ben said if we call the police, he would kill her. Calling an ambulance would mean having to give information."
Christina: "He's right guys. Look at what Ben did to her, we didn't even know he was in the building, never mind how he got entrance backstage to the backstage doors."
Jonah: "So what do we?"
Christina: "We've got to try and stop the bleeding, first. She looks bruised, hopefully there's no broken bones."

We carried Y/n upstairs to the sofas. We layed her down and Christina started to use the shitty first aid kit to cover the cuts all of Y/n's body.
The bandages that she used were pretty shitty; but it had to do.

Daniel: "How is she?"
Christina: "The bandages will stop the bleeding. They'll have to be changed every day but it'll be ok. I'm more worried about her ribs and her knee."
Corbyn: "What do you mean, what's wrong with her ribs and her knee?"
Christina: "There's a lot of bruising around her ribs and her knee is pretty swollen .... I think she's broken her rib and fractured her knee."
Daniel: "So What does that mean?"
Christina: "You can't do anything for a broken rib... you can get crutches for a fractured rib. But without a doctor, it might not heal properly."
Corbyn: "Then take her to a doctor."
Daniel: "Corbyn, we cant."
Jonah: "Then Wait for the cuts to heal around her legs and then take her, for now just get some crutches."
Daniel: "Where are we going to get crutches?"
Jonah: "Call the medical team, say Y/n went over on her ankle and that's why she needs them."
Corbyn: "So we lie.."
Christina: "I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot more of that..."

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