You and Me: Part 6

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Y/n's POV-

I started to zone out, that's what I do when I'm anxious. Corbyn was driving and Christina was in the front seat. Jonah, Zach and Jack were in the middle seats and me and Daniel were in the back seats.

I pulled my knees up to chest. I put my head between them and started to shake. This is usually what happens when I have a panic attack, I try to get as small as I can so I can shut the world out.
I was breathing heavy, Daniel noticed. He put his hand on my knee.

Daniel: "Hey, it's gonna be fine, ok?"

I nodded my head.

Daniel: "Y/n, look at me, you trust me, remember?"

I nodded my head.

Daniel: "Y/n, I'm going to need some words from you..."
Y/n: "Ok.."

All I managed was a very shaky ok. I was so scared, I froze. I didn't want Daniel to have to take responsibility for me again.

Daniel: "Just try to remember, it's just me and you, ok?"

I nodded again, tears streaming down my face. I had to face the facts; I was walking through and airport and getting on a plane. That was all, that was it. Simple.

I didn't speak for the rest of the car ride. I sat with my knees at my face and didn't move. Daniel didn't move his hand off of me.

We arrived at the airport and everyone had to get out of the car.

Daniel: "You ready?"
Y/n: "I guess I kinda have to be,"
Daniel: "I got you, ok?"

We got out of the car, of course we were greeted by press and photographers, all wanting the latest scoop on their music and their tour and all that stuff. I gripped Daniel's shirt, I froze up and stopped walking. Daniel turned around and looked at me.

Daniel: "Y/n/n, it's ok, come on,"

Daniel took my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, keeping me close and tight. Jonah walked right by me on the other side. Corbyn and Christina were in front and Zach and Jack were behind.

We got inside and went upstairs to a private room. I didn't realise we were going to be going on a private plane. That kinda helped, I didn't have to deal with loads of people; or at least that's what I thought.

As soon as I got in to the room, my phone connected to the WiFi; I started getting messages from people, when I checked to see who it was, it was a blocked number.


Blocked number: "sleep well y/n?"
Y/n: "Who is this?"
Blocked number: "Take a guess..."
Y/n: "Please stop."
Blocked number: "I thought we were having fun?"
Y/n: "This was never fun. It never will be fun. Your fun needs to stop."
Blocked number: "Why would I stop now? I've got such good plans for us..."
Y/n: "Plans?"
Blocked number: "Your on tour right now.... first to England, then Ireland, then France, Italy, Spain, Germany, China, America, You're going everywhere...."
Y/n: "Your point?"
Blocked number: "What if I have a ticket to every show? What if I know what hotels you've booked? What if I'm in the airport right now?"

*end of texts*

The thought of Ben in the airport made my eyes fill with tears. Fear ran through my bones, I couldn't move; it was like my feet were bolted to the ground. I started to shake, I couldn't stop. It started in my hands, then the rest of me. Tears blurred my vision. I started to get hot. I couldn't hear properly only muffled noises...

Daniel: "Y/n? Y/n? Look at me, please , just breathe ok?"

I started to feel dizzy, groggy, all of my senses had gone, it was just black... the last thing I remember was someone holding my hands , before I fell to the ground....

Daniel's POV-

I heard a bang behind me. I turned around, it was
y/n's phone.
I looked up at y/n and could tell something really, really bad had happened.
I looked at Christina, who looked at Corbyn. She tried to talk to Y/n but she wouldn't move. I went to try to talk to her.

Daniel: "Y/n? Y/n? Look at me, please , just breathe ok?"

She was looking straight ahead, she wasn't replying to me. She started to sway, she was losing balance.

Daniel: "Y/n?"

Christina stood up.

Christina: "She's gonna faint."

She blacked out, she fell onto the floor. I picked her up and cradled her on the floor.

Christina picked up her phone.

Christina: "Guys, look at this..."

I read the messages that Ben had sent to y/n. I got so angry.

We had to get onto our plane. Y/n hadn't woken up so I carried her to the plane. I held her when we got to our seat. It was pretty big so I laid her next to me. It was late when we got onto the plane, so I covered her with a blanket and went on my phone for a bit.
She moved her head and it ended up on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. I liked doing this with her, just looking after her.

Y/n started to shake like she did the night before. She gripped onto me again. I held her tight, but it didn't help. It got worse, she started to cry and she seemed really scared. I had to wake her up.

Daniel: "Y/n, Y/n, wake up,"

She sat up and leaned against me. She was dizzy, she hadn't woken up since she passed out.

Y/n: "Dani, where are we?"
Daniel: "We're on the plane, y/n/n."
Y/n: "What happened..."

She started to cry. She leaned against me and hid her head in my shoulder. I held her close to me and kept her there.

Daniel: "You got some messages from Ben,"
Y/n: "You read them..."
Daniel: "Yea, I need you to know that you're gonna be safe with me, ok?"
Y/n: "I know..."
Daniel: "Well, we should go back to sleep, ok? It's like 3 am..."

I got up to walk away, but she grabbed my arm.

Y/n: "Dani.. stay, please?"
Daniel: "Of course,"

Y/n's POV-

I liked it when Dani was with me. I felt safe. He was always there when something went wrong, he was always there to fix it. He's the only person that I can say I fully trust, with my whole heart.
Daniel laid down beside me and put his arm around me. I fitted my head into his neck. It was cosy, I liked it a lot.

Daniel: "Y/n..."
Y/n: "Yeah Dani.."
Daniel: "Did you work it out yet?"
Y/n: "Work what out yet?"
Daniel: "Who I have feelings for?"
Y/n: "No, I think I need a clue Seavey.."
Daniel: "A clue?"
Y/n: "Yes, a clue!"
Daniel: "Clues are for quitters y/n!"
Y/n: "Please, Dani!"
Daniel: "Ok, Ok, here's your clue... she's lying right next to me..."

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