Chapter Twenty

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"I can't go on."

Dianne laid dramatically on the floor of the ballroom. It was late. Far too late to be rehearsing. And her body had finally given up.

"Joe, I'm serious. You're going to have to carry me out of here. Everything hurts."

Joe walked slowly over to her and bent down. His knees cracked.

"Ah. Nope. Sorry, love. You're going to be staying there. I can barely hold myself up, let alone carry you."

Dianne sat up slowly. She was certain there wasn't a part of her body that wasn't bruised or sore from their athletic show dance routine. "Ok. I'm up". She got to her feet. "Can we leave, please?"

They had been working ridiculous hours to get their routines locked down. Three routines in a week was a big ask, and Joe was determined they were going to be the best they could be.

Despite the pressure of being in the final, both of them had relaxed as the week had gone on. There was nothing more to worry about, no more eliminations to get through. They had three dances left to do, and they were going to make the most of dancing together.

Both of them were going to miss this. They had fallen in love in these studios and it was never going to be the same again.

"It's going to be really strange not coming here every day" Joe said as they turned out the lights for a final time. Dianne leaned into his side.

"Yeah. I'm going to miss it. But we've got so much to look forward to."

Dianne was right. The future was looking more and more exciting by the day.


"Good luck mama and Joe!" Dianne had been told to expect a facetime from Emelia on Saturday afternoon, just before the little girl would be due to go to bed. Joe and Dianne were both in his dressing room preparing themselves. Dianne hadn't even bothered using the dressing room she was supposed to share with the other girls and had just moved her stuff in with Joe. She sat back on his couch and smiled as Emelia waved at them both.

"Thank you, baby. And thank you for the lovely card- I've got it here with me". Dianne picked up the drawing that her mum had posted. On the cover was the strictly glitterball. Underneath, Emelia had drawn herself, Dianne and Joe. She had even labelled them all in her adorable handwriting.

"Did you see what I wrote?" Emelia asked.

Dianne turned over the card and read out loud. "To mummy and Joe. I hope you win. You are the best dancers. I love you. Love from Emelia."

Emelia smiled. "I wrote my name by myself. I know all the letters. E-m-eee-l-i-a Sc-ar-l-e-t-t. See?"

Joe squeezed Dianne's hand as they watched the little girl use her finger to draw out each letter as she spoke. "Oh, you're so smart." Dianne couldn't hide her pride. Emelia was so much more than she ever could have hoped her daughter to be. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Look!" Emelia turned the phone around and stood on her bed. She walked along it, and pointed to the Frozen wall chart Dianne had helped her put up the last time she was home. "Grandma did it. To help me count down." Joe and Dianne watched as the camera focused on the chart, where Dianne's mum had put a picture of a plane and a photo of Dianne on the days she would be travelling and arriving back in Australia.

"Not long now, Peanut."

"Six more sleeps. That's all." Emelia settled back onto her bed and got under her covers. "I need to sleep now, mama. Say goodnight?"

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