|Chapter 19|

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The week slowly receded until we hit the second week which was a relief. All of our double classes paid off as we now had 2 weeks off. Dalton made some reservations for Springs B&B as well as opened his savings.

Dalton had a lot in his savings but he rarely touched it. 'Feeling a bit special that he touched his savings for you.' 'More of feeling like I'll have to pay him back some way.' Satan shrugged at that. His mom always sent an allowance at the beginning of the month.

However he wasn't spending that on a vacation. Well a job. But we were still going out somewhere which made me a bit nervous when thinking about it. A job combined with a bit of a vacation. Just the two of us once more but Alina and Lucian there as well.

'Well you guys are going there to deal with them so they should be there.' I nodded at that as my eyes shifted back towards the things I was packing to go to this B&B. But it wasn't just Lucian that has me nervous about going there.

It was Dalton as well. Sure we had vacationed alone together many times but there was always two bedrooms or beds of course. But where we were going the owner had one bedroom available. And making Dalton sleep on the couch would be quite rude since it was sort of a vacation.

So that left us with a bed in one bedroom. 'Looks like you'll be sharing the bed with him or sleeping on the couch yourself.' We'd figure it out when we got there. I was packing most of my things by now as I zipped up the suitcase full of my clothes.

And then I had Maryse's bag that also had my hygiene products stored in it; a toothbrush, razor, deodorant, toothpaste, and some soap as well. In one small bag in the backpack I had my array of weapons as well as a heavy sedative, a few of them.

Those were for Alina in case she proved to be a problem and we had to sedate her. 'She probably will no doubt be a problem. I mean she is Lucian's mate after all I doubt she'll be someone easy to be around.' Now to pray the sedative works as well.

It was a high dosage and worked quite well on alpha wolves, and sort of gave effect on Enyr and Ryne. Of course they fought through it. But it typically had them down for ten minutes and alphas for twenty. And it was designed for dangerous alpha wolves in case they decided to attack.

A non lethal way to deal with an alpha wolf coming at you. 'Just shoot them with a tranquilizer dart or inject this into their neck.' Now I was to hope it would work on Alina. Even ten minutes would be fine as we'd tie her down and run after that.

Staying around and waiting for Lucian to show up was not an option. I had no desire to see what Lucian was capable of, especially in a frenzy to get his mate back. His mate seemed to be the only weak point he had of everything I searched up.

'So having his mate captive should make him a bit more cooperative. Hopefully.' And I'd leave a note for him, negotiation. I was becoming a lot better at this. As much as I'd like to just threaten for my negotiations I had no idea what would harm Lucian, and had no desire to find out in that situation.

My luck he'd be more resilient to harm and then I'd be quite fucked with a pissed off werewolf on me. Which is why we'd be rushing out once we had Alina or if they spotted us and could kill us as well.

We were coming out of there alive and unscathed. 'Now the question is will you be coming out with Alina or not.' 'I hope we come out with her because it's the only thing we have over Lucian.' He had little care for anything else beside his mate, his mate was his priority.

He did have a son though. I'm sure he'd come to his sons rescue. But did I want to take on his son anytime soon? No I did not, his son would just happen to be quite strong and give me a run for my money with my luck.

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