Date of the marriage was coming close only a month is left and no sign of Tadashi it's starting to worry me I wonder if he will come I trust him more than myself I'm sure he will do something if not then I don't know....... I looked at Jack talking on the phone collecting some files and leaving the house again.

"Where are you Tadashi?"I whispered to myself looking down as few tears fell on my palms I took a deep breath wiping my tears away.

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks now and no sign of Tadashi did he lied? No! He didn't, He wouldn't I shook my head trying to get the thought out of my head.

"Are you alright, Elsa?"It was Aunty Iduna I nodded quickly we were in the mall looking for a wedding dress only two weeks are left till my marriage and everyone was busy with the preparations.

"Elsa? We have a surprise for you!!"Anna said to me giggling I gave them a questioning look they pointed behind me I turned around and a scream of shock escaped my mouth as I ran to hug them.

"Surprise!!"They said as we group hugged my friends were here I can't believe it!! This has to be a dream.

"Guys! I can't believe that you all are really here!!!"I said and they all chuckle I began to look here and there if they are here then Tadashi must be here too!

"Where's Tad?"I asked as my eyes were searching for him but he was nowhere.

"Elsa we're really sorry but he can't come and he tried contacting you many times but to no avail he wanted to tell you that Hiro got into an accident and he's in coma, He wanted to come"Hic said with a sad expression my smile fell what?! Hiro got into an accident?

"M-my mobile broke, I-I--I--I couldn't talk---"They nodded understandingly Mer gave me her mobile I dialed Tadashi's number and hesitatingly called him the bell was ringing I walked somewhere quiet he answered the call.

"Hello?"His voice was tired and sad few tears escaped my eyes as I heard his cracked up voice.

"T-tadashi...."That's the only word that escaped my mouth I heard shuffling from the other line.

"E-elsa? Are you okay? Why didn't you call me?! I tried contacting you but your mobile was being switched off!! I-I--I--I couldn't come! I'm sorry---"He began to ramble I lightly giggled and wiped my tears away he's still the same idiot!

"I'm alright, How's Hiro?"I asked cutting him off he went quiet for awhile after a little pause he spoke.

"He's good, He's right in front of me s-sleeping, When he will wake up I swear I'll never let him sleep again stupid! Idiot! I told him many times to wake up but he's stubborn as always"He finished and I heard soft sobs which made my heartache I wish I was there to hold him close I started to cry as well we were just hearing each other's crying not saying anything.

"Everything will be alright I promise you and don't worry about me I'll be fine y-you don't have to come, Your family needs you more than anything Tadashi, Please take care and stay with your family"I said with a heavy heart wiping my tears away.

"Elsa---"I cut him off as I shushed him.

"Ssshhhh!!"I strictly said he went quiet I sadly smiled.

"Tadashi do you remember we used to sing a song whenever we would part ways even for a minute? What was the song? Can we sing it?"I asked he took a deep breath before a little laugh.

The Tale Of A Broken Soul ~Jelsa~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora