Knight of Spe~ar! Reveal of Gaim Shin!

Start from the beginning

Kaito: Power must be exercised to demonstrate one's strength. But you lack the mettle!

Kouta: W-Well, fine! You wanna fight, come any time!

Kaito: Very well. Oh! And bring y/n.

Kouta: Huh?

Kaito: I know that he has a special lockseed. Dont disappoint me..

Kaito walks out of the cafe, leaving a stunned Kouta to thinking of what to do..

Kouta: Me I get..but why is he interested in y/n??

The scene changes to some friends running in a hurry in order to make it to the upcoming Inves Game. A small crowd had already gathered including members of both Team Gaim and Team Baron. Down below, Kouta with his Sengoku Driver and Y/n with his Energy lockseed and Genesis Driver equipped on his waist.on stood across from Kouta with a look that he was ready to rumble.

Random Person: Looks like Baron's boss picked a fight with the Armored Rider and Gaim member Y/n.

Mai: Hey, excuse me, coming through!

In the crowd, both Mai and Micchy showed up.

Mai: What's he thinking? Why would he take an Inves challenge if it's not for the team or the stage? And why's is y/n there? Did Kouta asked him to fight with him

Micchy: This is no game. This is a duel!

Kouta: Bring out as many Inves as you like! You won't beat me!

Kaito: Hmph! I believe we're beyond such trifles.

With that said, Kaito surprised everyone when he took out a Sengoku Driver of his own.

Zack: Is that another belt!?

Putting on the belt, horns sounded as the indicator showed a red helmet of a warrior surrounded by vines. Kaito then takes out the Banana Lockseed and says the word common in all Kamen Riders.

Kaito: Henshin. *opens lockseed*


A metal set of armor looking like a banana descended down from a Crack above Kaito, making the crowd excited. Meanwhile, Both Gaim Riders looked at the armor in disbelief. Kaito then wasted no time in putting the Lockseed on his Driver and locked it into place but not before he twirled it in his finger.


Then, a trumpet fanfare blared out, the one you hear during European times.

Random Person: Is Baron's Leader gonna transform too? Then that would make him...Armored Rider Baron, right?

Y/n: This cant be good..

Kouta's look of disbelief was gone as he mentally prepared himself. Finally, Kaito did what everyone was waiting for and grabbed the Cutting Knife before he 'sliced' his Lockseed.


The metal banana feel down onto Kaito's shoulder, donning him a familiar red and silver bodysuit as the armor had yet to disassemble. And then...

Sinful Sweetness: Kamen Rider Gaim(Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now