Chapter 1

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Percy's POV

I was at the house of my BFF and beard annabeth. We gossiped, admired shirtless men in her secret stash of men magazines i borrow for.... Personal reasons, and watch movies and cry at the drama. A regular friday night. "So annabeth, whats all this trip about?" Annabeth was telling me of a trip piper is taking her "piper told me that its a weeklong spa to help us relax for school during spring break. Dont worry, you and jason can chill, watch a movie, and maybe some..." She did what she called the 'eyebrows eyebrows'. meaning some sexual stuff. I rolled my eyes.

Jasons POV

Me and my bff/beard piper were playing super smash bros and she whooped my ass. She told me of the spa and that percy would be alone, without her girlfriend, for a whole WEEK! (Annabeth and piper dont know of the other being beards.) So i'd be there, bring a sappy romance, and do a sleepover with small cuddles as he sleeps. I loved this and i couldnt wait for annabeth and piper to leave

Percys POV

As annabeth and piper left jason said he was gonna sleep over for 'bro time'. So we made snacks and put on a movie. We were having fun and laughing. I was drowsy later and i cuddled into jasons lap and fall asleep, not noticing the hard lump forming under jasons pants.

Jasons POV

I moved percy to the side and went on my phone and started texting piper

To, prettygurl From, thunderboi
Omg percy is so cute when he sleeps

From, prettygirl
OMG Why dont you ask him out??

From, thunderboi
What if he doesent like me back?! 😭

From, prettygirl
Dude, he does like you back! Annie and i were spilling tea and i learned he has a crush on you! Ask him out! 😘😘

I looked at percy, he snored softly and his black rustled hair looked adorable on hum he likes me? But he seems so straight. But so am i, its worth a shot though. As i went to nudge him awake his phone went off and i jumped. Luckily he slept through it and i checked his messages i know i shoulldnt. But its worth a shot kinda

From, wisegirl
O.M.G PERCY. Me and piper were spilling tea and i accidentaly outed you to piper (forgive me!!! 🙏🙏🙏) But i learned jason has a crush on you. ASK HIM OUT AND SPILL THE TEA WHEN YOUR DONE!!! I did hear that he's 9 inches 😉

I stiffled a laugh. Annabeth texted percy like a silly teenage girl than when i text with her. I turned his phone off and laid next to him and i slowly fell asleep i'll ask him tomorrow...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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