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Roswehn wore a long-sleeved dress, so that her mother and father did not notice the bandage on her wrist.

Thranduil had left her alone. You better be good with my family, Roswehn thought, it is better for you to put King Sarcasm aside and give space to King Big Smile or you will see your son's mother pack and return to Esgaroth.

Thranduil was sitting on the throne, wearing the crown and his royal attire. He was not impersonating either King Sarcasm or King Big Smile, but rather a convincing version of King Kiss-my-bottom.

"Why are you there? You said we would have received my family together." Roswehn asked him.

"That's what I'm going to do." he answered, raising his head slightly to look at her.

"When your son came back
home, you waited for him here, with me, not up there." the girl objected. "You'll make my parents feel uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable? I remind you that this is my realm, they are about to present themselves to me, and the kings receive here their guests. On the throne. I thought you had learned a little etiquette by now. " he reproached her.

Roswehn could not stand him when he assumed that pedantic look, but decided not to get angry. She had to be relaxed, she had to convince her parents that everything was going beautifully in her life, that everything was under control. Roswehn did not want her elderly parents to come back to Dale in a state of anxiety.

"You're not figuring out low blows, are you? It's my family, Thranduil." Roswehn warned him.

"No, my fair lady. I'm not in the mood for low blows today, not in the presence of three delicate humans." Thranduil replied.

Not even the sudden appearance of King Sarcasm made her nervous. Roswehn was amazed at her ability to self-discipline.

Roswehn caught a movement in the dim light, beyond the numerous bridges of that great space. Five Elves, with Legolas on their heads, led three other figures behind them. One proceeded hesitantly. Maybe it was Edith.

"Here they are." murmured Roswehn.
She felt her heart beating at full speed in her chest.

Hannes recognized her from a distance and raised a hand to greet his daughter.
"Dad!" Roswehn shouted.

Distracted by the girl, Hannes stumbled and almost fell down from the narrow catwalk they were advancing on.
Roswehn screamed. It was Legolas's readiness, who grabbed Hannes by the arm, to save him.

"As agile as his daughter." Thranduil commented.

"Finally!" Edith exclaimed, when the three of them reached Roswehn. Legolas ordered the soldiers to withdraw and then stood aside. He was still a little irritated with his father, but now the curiosity to see what would happen was stronger.

"I understand why you came back to Dale pale and thin ... how can you live in this darkness?" Edith asked. "...a damn rat maze, this is what this place looks like ..." she mumbled, looking around.

"Roswehn ..." her mother said, embracing her daughter with enthusiasm. "Forgive me for the things I told you in Dale."

Roswehn tried hard not to cry. She could never remain cold in front of her mother. "It doesn't matter, I reacted badly. I love you, I've missed you so much ... I miss you all the time!" She answered.

Thranduil, meanwhile, was watching those demonstrations of human affection. Hugs were not contemplated in the culture of the Elves; indeed, they were considered rude. An invasion of other people's space. The mere fact of touching each other was seen as a lack of respect ... unless, of course, it was not an act between individuals united in a relationship. Mortals were in some ways primitive, he thought.

Roswehn of MirkwoodWhere stories live. Discover now