And he burned that bridge to the ground.

Ryder Hotchner had a similar search for knowledge, with a heightened intelligence it seemed like the next step. As if there was no other choice than to fight for more knowledge — she didn't have much else to fight for. Having to carve her own way through the world, masked by the shadows of her four older brothers and a father who placed too heavy a weight on all of their shoulders, Ryder bore a crown too heavy for her head. Or maybe she was the one who placed that crown upon her own head, hellbent on making herself a better name than what her father had created (she didn't know much about him, she was young when he died, but she knew he was a man of very few words and thought more with his hands). She wanted the Hotchner name to mean something, she needed it to mean something — and she needed it to be separate from her brothers. The very same brothers who ran as fast as they could once they got out, hiding away from the rest of the family, she never got to know her brothers (not in the same way they had gotten to know each other). Instead, she was stuck with her mother (up until she died), and the books that showed her the world.

Of course, it helped a little when she got to escape the world by skipping a few grades (re: graduating high school at thirteen).

She was nineteen when she met Spencer, both of them wrapped up in their doctorates at MIT, realizing that they understood each other more than anyone had ever been able to read them. It didn't surprise her when they fell, when her heart became wrapped around his and her thoughts were consumed with him. How could she not? He was everything fiction wrote about, everything she had ever wished for in a man. Someone who understood her — someone who wanted her for her (not just to say they had an accomplished girlfriend and put her up on a pedestal) (not to mention it was hard to date while she was a teenager in college and medical school, now barely an adult in a doctorate program).  But they were young, unsure of how to love despite knowing they both needed and wanted it.

And in the end it left them both missing something, two halves that are waiting to be reconnected.

Life has a funny way of bringing people back together, at least that's what Ryder found out. The lines will all connect themselves back together over time — reconnecting people that she thought were long gone. Then again, it would be just her luck that one of her friends (and a co-worker) is murdered by a serial killer that her brothers (seriously, she could understand just one of them but three out of the four being involved seemed ridiculous) were all investigating. And it just so had to be her luck that under her oldest brothers team was the very same man who broke her heart. The very one who shattered it and left it on the ground of Boston, never looking back.

It seemed life had it out for Ryder Hotchner (or maybe it was all an elaborate scheme to get back at Spencer for breaking her heart) (after all, the Hotchner family may not be that close but they are her protective older brothers).

portrayed by camilla luddington

RYDER HOTCHNER, MD, PhDportrayed by camilla luddington

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