Complicated | Chpt 31

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing today?"

"James do you think we're friends?" I asked and he paused, realizing how weird this must be for me.

"Yes? No? Maybe? Acquaintances?"

"Uh yeah sure, and I'm not doing anything, I was sort of supposed to have a day to myself today," I hinted.

"I interrupted your day, My apologies," he said, carefully stepping around 'sorry' like I had asked earlier. I sighed and smiled slightly.

"That's fine, my friends will welcome you to interrupt (y/n) club, Lance is club president," I said, wincing slightly as he lightly chuckled at my joke. Why would I mention Lance in my friend group specifically? I really shouldn't be hanging around him because even as friends Nyma feels like I'm tearing them apart. I just love torturing myself apparently.

"Is that why you were crying?" James asked suddenly.


"Your mood dropped as soon as you said his name," he said. Oh. I was that obvious about it. "I won't ask, but you'll figure it out, you're super smart. You're a Ravenclaw, practically the smartest one."

"Thanks," I said, my face flushing slightly.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing o--" I turned around, noticing Keith. Oh shit. He approached his eyebrows furrowed, assuming a spot behind me. "Is he bothering you?" He asked.

"Wha? No, we're just talking," I said. He glanced between us.


"Don't fucking talk to me, or (y/n), back off asshole," Keith growled, dragging me suddenly away.

"Keith, Keith, wait," I said, stopping him, my hand wrapped tightly around his arm. "He wasn't doing anything, he actually apologized!"

"And you believe that?" He asked, looking at me. I paused, hesitating. "Exactly. James is a jerk and people don't change like that, despite what you may think. Just look at Lance. Yeah he's not a jerk anymore, but he still doesn't have a clue with people. He has no idea how much him dating Nyma is killing you. You call that a good friend? James is the same. Don't you remember all the stuff he did to me and you, that doesn't deserve an acceptance of apology," Keith said.


"If you want to forgive him, fine, but if he's lying don't come to me, and keep him away from me, because at least to me, James will never be forgiven," he said. I could see he was extremely upset and his eyes watered slightly.

He looked at me, severely disappointed that I wasn't on his side and that I was considering making friends with his enemy. It was like choosing between a sibling or his mortal enemy, and Keith looked hurt.

"I'm sorry," I said and he shook his head, letting his hair fall into his eyes. He pulled away his arm, turning away and walked away without me. I shut my eyes and a tear slipped past my eyelashes, rolling slowly down my cheek.

I was stuck in a rut, with one of my best friends, practically my brother, being way to protective and upset with me. Just for accepting an apology. I knew firsthand that Keith acted on emotions and didn't turn away from a fight, and he was very protective on account of loosing a lot of things as a kid. Seeing his best friend with his bully really must've hurt and now I'm the jerk.

"I apologize, I shouldn't have even tried. I didn't expect you to accept my apology so willingly," I glanced at the entrance of the hallway, where James must've been eavesdropping. I didn't say anything glancing down at my shoes.

James approached. Why didn't he get it? That he should really leave me alone? He took me into a hug and my heart stopped, not in a good way. I kept my arms hugged around my own figure, not knowing what to do.

Keith would be so upset with me.

"I'll go now," James said, letting go of me. He paused, looking at me. "I like you (y/n) and I want to be friends now, but I'll leave it up to you." He pressed his lips to my cheek and walked off.


I stumbled back into the wall sinking down to the floor, my knees in my chest.

No, this is too complicated.

I like you.

Keith would never talk to me again, so why am I considering it? Lance is perfectly fine with Nyma and I had been silently considering finding someone else to satisfy the aching empty space in my chest. James could be that person right?

But at the cost of Keith. I promised we'd be best friends and I wouldn't leave him. It's practically like I'm abandoning him. But say James and I don't date, even my selfish need for people to like me would try to make us friends and I'd still lose Keith. My stomach sank and I felt sick.

Why was I even considering it?


I needed to be alone, but I had to find Keith and fix it. I stood up, gripping my hands into fists and ran towards the Gryffindor common room, wiping my cheek with the back of my hand.

I don't like this chapter. It just doesn't flow right, it's like--bad. I'm


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