Chapter 5

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I stood outside in the cold air. The wind nipped at my cheeks and nose as it passes. My cheeks were now a natural pink. There was a glistening white blanket of snow on the ground and rooftops. The snow crunches under people as they walked around campus or saying temporary goodbyes to their beloved friends as they leave for Christmas or leaving themselves.

I pulled my Slytherin scarf higher up my face as I breathed to try to warm up my face. I jumped as arms rapped around my waist pulling me closer to their owners body.
"You look cold." I whimpered as Tom pulled away. I grab his arm and pulled him back to my shaking body and hid my face in his coat.

"Because I am cold." He laughed as he rubbed calming circles onto my back through my thin coat. "Come on were going to be late." I hold his hand as we walked to the carriages. The time went by quickly as we talked with my brother.

"I can't wait for Christmas. Wait, I take that back. Aunt Jude is coming over." Tom looked over at Haru after he mentioned Aunt Jude. "Who's aunt Jude?" I started to hit my head off the wall of the carriage. "Just. Kill. Me. Now." Tom placed his hand on my forehead to prevent me from giving myself a concussion.
"A bitch. She bully's Kenzie because she doesn't believe in blood status because of how we were raised."

"Oh and don't forget her nickname of her. It's Abomination. MacKenzie takes its all the hits to the face like it's nothing." I stopped hitting my head awhile a go and just stored into space. I wiped my cheek with my sleeve to reveal a hand shaped bruise that covered almost the whole cheek. Tom grabbed my face to examine it. "That looks like it hurt."

I looked over at him frowning. "It did. But I wouldn't tell her that. She believes that if I'm a real Gryffindor descendent that I can take a few good hits to the face. So that's exactly what I did, I sucked it up and went on with life." I pulled the hood up on my coat as we rolled up at the station. We got off and the boys found a compartment leaving me and Tom to ourselves. "I won't let her hurt you again. I can't, I just can't let another person I love get hurt."

His knuckles were white and his eyes filled with tears. "You love me?" My head tilted to the side as I pointed to myself. "More then I care to say. I love you more then a friend." I stood up and grabbed his face and pulled him down into a kiss.

"I return those feelings." He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me into another kiss. "Good because I couldn't live without you." I smile as he placed his forehead against mine as his dark curls tickled my forehead. "So does that make you my boyfriend?"

He kisses me again. "Does that answer your question." I laughed again. I could never seem to stop laughing around him. "I don't know maybe another one."

He kissed me again. "I think that answers my question." He kissed my forehead smiling. When he pulled away as he grabbed my face. I stared into his chocolate brown eyes and smiled.

"I love you MacKenzie."
"I love you too Tom."

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