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It's been seven months without you and I still can't believe you're gone. I'll always love you mansss❤️ #llj


"Onfroy take that good off now," mr. hethens yelled at me.

I looked at him and took it off, waiting for all the whispers to start. I kept my hood on because for some reason it was a big deal that I have blonde dreads. Like there's girls in here with skittles colored hair and y'all don't say shit about that. It's considered "cute." I just think that's disrespectful to people who can see.

"Garcia why are you late," Mr. Hethens asked Gazzy as he walked into the class and took his spot next to me.

"Uh uh we ain't doing this today," Gazzy shook his head. "Now you know damn well I have to come from the other side of this big ass waist of space school and you guys give us ninety seconds between classes, not to mention I have to get to my locker and grab my books." Gazzy rolled his eyes. "It hasn't even been a full minute since the bell rang so leave me the fuck alone cause I'm not in the mood for your shit today. No wonder your wife left you for a bitch."

Damn Gazzy snapped. I put my head down on my desk to hide my smile. It's about time someone put that dirty hoe in his damn place.

"Onfroy, get that head up now!" Mr. Hethens yelled at me.

I picked my head up and rested in on my head on my hands. "You giving me attitude, Onfroy?" He asked.

"No, Sir," I replied boredly.

"You want to talk back, Onfroy?" He yelled again.

"Man, I didn't even say nothing," I sighed.

"Go to the office you disrespectul piece of shit," he huffed.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my backpack, walking out of the classroom and to the office. "Jahseh what did you sweet self do?" Ms. Miranda asked me.

"Mr. Hethens told me to take my hood and I did. Then he yelled at me for having my head down and I said 'yes sir' and apparently that was talking back," I explained. "Oh and he called me disrespectful piece of shit."

"He's getting fired soon anyways, we are looking for his replacement right now, there's a teacher in there having an interview," she shook her head.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"Just go to the library for the rest of the day and study or play games on your phone or something cause he can't see you or he'll get you into more trouble," she sighed.

"Okay," I nodded my head and walked out of the office and to the library. I walked to the back of the library and sat in the back, reading a book.

"Guys, that's shits strong," I heard a familiar voice. Damn I think it's Isaiah.

I put my head down and prayed he wouldn't notice me. But as usual, you didn't answer my prayers, "what's up faggot." Isaiah called out to me.

I peeked up at him and said nothing. He came and sat next to me, "I know you hear me talking to you," he grabbed my face harshly and faced me towards him.

"Hi," I whispered.

"I heard you got a little boyfriend, who is it?" He asked.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I lied.

"Stop lying to me," he slapped me. "Whose your boyfriend faggot?"

"If I'm such a faggot and you're a homophobe, why are you touching me and why does it matter?" I asked.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?" He choked me.

I don't know why I don't fight back, I just could never see the worth. I'll just end up in trouble and he'lol just bully me even more. There's no point.

"Answer me!" He yelled.

"Quiet back there," the librarian shouted.

"It's someone from my old school, his name is Christian," I lied. Christian is my ex. So if Isaiah defied he was gonna bully my man he could bully Christian because he deserves every bad thing that god sends his way.

"Good boy," he stood up and collected his backpack. He turned and looked at me one more time before punching me in my face a few times. Then he disappeared.

I withheld all my tears and packed my backpack up and made my way out of the school as blood dropped out of my nose. I walked home and then went upstairs and locked myself in my room, going into my bathroom to do the thing that helps me feel numb.


I waited for Jahseh outside of the school in front of my car and he never showed up. I called gazzy and he said that he hasn't seen him since fourth block. Did he get sick?

No he would have called me and let me know. Or texted or something. I pulled my phone out and called him again, but his phone went to voicemail right away. His phone is either dead or he's declining my calls. He's about to piss me off.

I texted him.

Babe where r u?

Jah? Man quit ignoring me what did I do?🤦🏽‍♀️jahhh

Baby💙: I'm fine. I'll see you tmr

Where r u?

Baby💙: At home.. I'll see you tmr I gotta go

Baby... are you mad at me? What did I do?

Read at 3:25 pm

I shoved my phone in my pocket and rolled my eyes. I'm so tired of his random ass attitudes. I got in my car and decided to drive to his house cause he's obviously not okay. I got to his house and knocked on the door.

His mom opened it and looked confused when she saw me, "I thought you were upstairs," she frowned.

"No Jah didn't get a ride from me today," I shrugged. Wait who the fuck is upstairs. "Can I come in?"

She nodded and let me in. I ran up the stairs to jahs room but his door was locked, "open the door." I said.

"Go away," He sniffled from the other side. Is he crying

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm fine, just go, away," his voice cracked.

"Open the door baby," I sighed.

"No you're gonna he mad," he said.

"Jah I care about you so much, I wouldn't be mad okay, just talk to me. Tell me what's wrong," I pleaded.

"I'm sorry," he simply said and then his room fell silent.

"Jah open the door," I asked once again. And he said nothing. My mind went to the day I saw his abused arms and wrists and I picked his lock since it was one of those locks you could open with a penny. I opened the door and Jahseh's room was depressing looking. The curtains were closed all the way, making the room dark as hell. There was some sad music playing quietude from a speaker. I've never heard this before. I listened to the words. "I should have let you know, that you're my only one. I know you're feeling numb. I'll fuck you till you cum.." this shit Lowkey fire.

Jahseh was buried in his covers and I could hear his small cried from his bed. I closed the door and then walked over to his bed and sat down behind him. I pulled the cover off of his face to reveal his busted lip and black eye.

"What the fuck did this?" I asked.

"No one it's fine," He sniffled.

"Jah I'm not playing with you right now," I sighed," tell me who did it."

"It doesn't matter, he's not gonna stop," he cried harder. "I don't wanna be here anymore, all they do is hurt me," he cried.

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