Chapter 1

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*****Natalie's POV*****


"Good morning or afternoon or evening or night depending where you live! Out of the 30000 subscribers we chose you to be our texting buddies!!! Paul has already called dibs on you ( stupid peasant ) so here is his number! (915)-762-5683 -Exclamation Point (Danny Edge & Paul Zimmer) "

Holy shit. Seriously this has to be a joke. As I read the email I Start to get really excited. Hopefully I don't screw this up like everything else. Out of all 30000 that love them. They chose me. Yikes.

After putting Paul's number into my phone, I quickly throw my carmel brown hair into a messy ponytail, grab my art stuff, and jump down the stairs to my parents house. "Mom I'm off to teach art class!" I yell, slamming the door behind me. Shoving all my supplies into the back of my Chevy 1990 car, I quickly back out of the long driveway and make my way to my art class. After I sprint inside the old brick building I yell to everybody in the room. "Alright everybody! I hope you guys brought some spray paint cause we'll be learning graffiti today!" I say with a huge grin. Graffiti is one of my favorite types of art. Thankfully I get a huge reaction from everybody and that makes my smile grow bigger, if that's possible.

*****Paul's POV****

After finishing our weekly video Danny plops down and starts to edit it.

"Dibs on picking the next texting buddies!" I quickly yell before he can say anything.

"Fine. But you're getting me pizza" Danny groans in protest.

"Deal" I say, phoning in the pizza order. As I begin scrolling through the our subscribers, I randomly chose one for Danny, and look a little more carefully for myself. I instantly see the perfect girl. Carmel colored hair, expressive blue eyes, and a big smile. The doorbell rings in the background.

"Danny send the email to the new texting buddies, I'm gonna go get the pizza" I say, showing him who the girls are.

"Damn your girl is attractive" Danny says with a smirk.

"I know" I say walking out the door of my room to get the pizza. After grabbing the three boxes of pizza that I ordered, I head back upstairs.

"Pizza!!!!" Danny screams in my ear, making me drop in boxes. He starts to laugh and drops to the floor to get his precious pizza.

"Oh hey, I sent the email. Hopefully the new texting buddies are cool." Danny tells me, stuffing his face with pizza. I quickly begin to copy his actions.

After five hours of Danny being at my house, he has already made acquaintance with his texting buddy, but mine has yet to text me. Maybe she doesn't like me? No. She's probably just busy, no need to worry about it.

My phone dings, telling me I have a text. I quickly jump towards it, hoping it's my new texting buddy.

"Hey it's Natalie, your new texting buddy I guess? Sorry I didn't text you sooner, I was teaching art class :)"

Yay!! She texted me!

"No worries, I had Danny :) So art hmm? :)" I reply.

Yet again, my phone dings.

"Yup :) Its my favorite. That and music" -Natalie-

After that we talked for another 5 hours, just getting to know each other and joking around. She's actually a super cool person.

"Hey I gotta go, it's 2am here and I'm teaching again tomorrow :) Night!"


"Goodnight love" I text back without thinking. Shit. I probably shouldn't have said that. I quickly change my clothes and jump into bed with Natalie on my mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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