Part 4

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  • Dedicated to Kirs, I whis you were still here with me. I miss you :(

Robin-"Hey Raven, I was wondering if you would like to study for the  "-

Raven-"Robin shut up for a second" (oh my god it's it's Kevin Williams. only the most cutest guy ever. I had a crush on him since the third grade. It would have been sooner but I that boys were gross. Except for Robin. me and him been friends for so long I can't even tell you. but oh poop he coming this way)

Robin-"Raven,Earth to Raven.Wake up"!

Raven-"Hey sorry, I just saw-(I pointed at Kevin)

Robin-(put my finger down) "Raven don't point it's rude. (Looking at Kevin) Oh No, Raven. I'm losing you.

Raven-"Robin relax".

Kevin-"Hey Raven"

Raven- "Hey" (I melted to the floor faster then butter on a hot pan)

Robin-"Hey Raven, just another stupid guy.

Raven-"A hot stupid boy"

Robin-"Raven boy like that don't go for people like us. He probably though you were Loren"

Raven-(I realized something) Oh yeah, your probably right. Thanks Robin".


I was glad that I had a good friend like Robin to help me out but he killed my dream. and I will not stand for it. j.k i Love him to much to kill him. we are like brother and sister. but better. Wait whats that

                                                    UN Pause

Crowd of people-"Fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight,fight.fight,fight(and went on so forth)

Raven-"It's the first day of school who would get in a fight"

Robin-"There's only one way to find out"

Raven-"Come on"(Me and Robin ran to the fight when we saw)

Joey-"Come on loser get up. take this like a man"

Eddie-"Hey man maybe you should stop"

Joey-"Are you kidding were just staring"

Logan-"No please"

Raven-"Logan"!!! (I ran toward him where he was on the floor with a bloody nose)

Robin- "No Raven"

Joey-"Hey who's this".

Raven-"I'm his sister now stop" (I said while I was still over him trying to protect him from getting hurt any more)

Logan-"It's okay Raven, I'm fine"

Raven-"No your not fine your bleeding Logan and I'm not letting him hit you any more. If he wants to hit you he has to go though me"

Joey-"Did I just hear what I think I heard.

Jake- (Another football player)"Yeah you did. You just got threatened by a girl.

Joey-"Shut up Jake. Guys take her"

Robin-(Stood in front of me)"Wow,wow,wow I think you need to think this though and....(Robin got pushed to the ground by Jake)

Raven-"Robin"! (Jake and other guy grabbed me by the arms  to pick me up.)

Eddie-"Okay guys you need to stop that's a girl. leave her alone"

Joey-"Eddie get out of my way. I'm older then you and I'm not afraid to take you to". (Jake shoved me against the locker)

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