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You're dead.

It said here that you died today.

But... Why?

Why can't I die in your stead?

Is it because I mean nothing to you?

But that might not be true... that is unless I was dreaming up until now.

So tell me, A******

Why are you the protagonist of this story?

Or rather,

My life?

Because protagonists in stories live happily ever after...

But if it were life,

they die a horrible death.

If I were the protagonist of my life, I would be one dying here.

But it's you.

You were supposed to be the protagonist of your life not mine...

But what tells me, this was bound to happen anyway?

Maybe because it's always about you anyways...

Not me...

Not us...

It was just...

Author here!

Spoiler ahead!

A****** is the name of the character who died! It consists of the very clear letters as asterisks! Also don't worry, main characters don't die and I like plot twists (ThEy ArE bEaUtIfUl)

Always You...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang