Finn and Rachel Babysit

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"I wouldn't be surprised if we even packed the same stuff in their bags, but I suppose we won't know until Finn or Rachel opens them" I chuckle

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"I wouldn't be surprised if we even packed the same stuff in their bags, but I suppose we won't know until Finn or Rachel opens them" I chuckle.

"Come on then kiddos" Bas says. We load the car up and head down to Finn and Rachel's place.

"What do you think Britt's gonna do?" I ask San.

"Cry" she shrugs.


"Yeah, it's a definite" she says.

"She used to be ok with staying with me or Bas, maybe even the grandparents, does she know where we're going?"

"I know, I don't know what it is, but yeah she knows where we're going" we soon reach Finn and Rachel's house and bundle out of the car.

"Hey guys" Rachel greets us and I swear I saw a little baby bump. We all looked at each other but didn't say a thing.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing, we're a little worried about Brittany" San speaks up as we head inside.

"Oh, why?"

"We don't know how she's going to react"

"Well, you can stay a for a few minutes if you want?" Rachel suggests.

"No, because it will only make things worse so we'll head out now" we try and say bye to the kids but Brittany starts crying.

"I'll be back in a little while, ok?" San hugs and kisses her.

"Buh buh" Blaine waved at us as he sat in Finn's arms.

"Blaine's ready for us to go" Sebastian chuckles.

"If she doesn't stop within an hour or so, call me and I'll come pick her up" San says.

"She'll be fine" Rachel picks her up and Brittany continued to sob as we left.

*Finn's PoV*

They soon left and Brittany was sobbing her eyes out.

"It's ok sweetie, why don't we go see what's there to play with, we brought some toys for you both" I rub her back up and down as we wandered into the living room. I set Blaine down and he wanders off to the toy box whilst Brittany sat in Rachel's lap.

"Ah" Blaine squeals as he came over to me and showed me a toy.

"What'd you got, bud?" I coo as he passed it to me but he just babbled away.

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