One shot

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This is just a one shot to post bc I'm bored and I will continue the rest of the story tm
. In this one shot they haven't even met yet so.

It's shall begin

I was with my friend Corinna. I've known her for some time now. We are best friends. Today she wanted me to meet all of her friends. I'm not gonna lie, I'm so nervous.

"Holly, lets go before we are late." Corinna yells.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec." I tell back.

We get in the car and drive to some guy named David's house.

At the party

"Hi, Corinna!" David says as he opens the door.

"Oh and you much be holly." He says

"Yeah" I say back
"It's nice to meet you." I say

"Yeah same here."

I was partying pretty much all night hanging with the boys. I stumble across Todd. He was really sweet.
In the corner of my eye I can see David staring at me. I felt weird. Was he jealous? No. He can't be.
"So can I have your number?"todd ask.
"Yeah, of course." I say and as I hand him my phone David comes up and grabs me and pulls me away.
"Trust me He is not for you." He says
"What, you can't control who I'm with."I say

"Just follow me and you'll understand." He says

We get out to the roof and he sits me down.
"Trust me, he hooks up with girls and just leaves them, or cheats on them, or even worse. Just please don't. I can't see that happening to you."

"Okay sorry. I didn't know you'd get mad." I say
"I'm not mad it's just that I don't won't you getting your feelings hurt over some guy. Who doesn't deserve you."David says leaning into me and stares me in the eyes.
He finally kisses me longingly.

What a night

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